Nov 30, 2011

Education Is the Best Investment Ever

All of us have some inherent talent and deep potential. A good education brings out the talent within us and helps us uncover our hidden potential. It builds our character and builds in us a respect for our fellow men. It teaches us patience and humility. A good education develops our thinking prowess, and teaches us to think. Critical thinking will enable us to analyse any problem from various angles and come up with different solutions, and thus help us solve the;problem. A good education teaches us to learn and how to access the knowledge we need. This is important since learning should not stop at school, it should be life long. When we learn how to learn we are better equipped to face life.
A good education would of course equip us with the knowledge and skills needed to embark on a chosen career and earn a living.While we should not confuse between a good education and a good degree, it is a fact that getting a good degree from a good school can open the doors to getting a high paying and satisfying career. Today a graduate with a sought after degree such as computer science, engineering, law, management etc from a highly esteemed (by the corporate world) school can start a career with a pay several times that of a ‘plain’ graduate from a lesser known school.
Getting such a degree would entail a significant investment of time and money. Such an investment may even be beyond your reach. But this is an investment that can pay very rich dividend, if you consider that you might be able to earn so much more. In my part of the world for instance a ‘plain’ graduate might get a job as a clerk in an office or retail counter at say Rs. 5000 to Rs. 7000 or so per month; but if they were to undergo the sacrifice needed to invest 3-4 years and several lacs of rupees as course fee for a ‘professional’ degree, they might start out with a salary of Rs. 25000 upwards. If you consider the difference in what you can earn in life-time, you will see what a wonderful investment it is.
Of course it is not enough to merely make the investment. You have to work to get the best of it. You will see that in any graduating class the difference between the top placed candidate and the bottom could be significant. IT is not uncommon to see a top salary of say RS. 50,000 and a bottom one of say Rs.20,000. So you need to work hard on your investment to get the best return.
Remember, also education is a safe investment. There is no risk of ‘default’. You can lose all your money, your job or even your house in very bad times (may they never come!). But no one can take away what you have learnt. Your education always remains with you.

Nov 26, 2011

Imported Silver Chains Really Better Or Not

Many individuals who love to wear jewelry made from silver have many imported silver chains in their jewelry box. They are worn almost every day with a variety of clothing styles. Imported silver chains are attractive as well as affordable when you compare them to other jewelry made from precious metals. This type of silver chains are versatile and can fit any style and type of fashion sense you have. The same silver chains can be doubled to be worn as a bracelet or anklet, as well.
Simple Style
The simplest style of silver chain is the link chain. This is more commonly known as a cable chain. Loads of imported silver chain designs come from the simple cable design. The curb of the necklace is also designed to be a flat cable. The Figaro silver chain is flat like the curb style but, instead, has three shorter links and one long link. The Mariner, Gucci, and Anchor styles have a bar going through the center of each link. The design of imported silver chains can be complicated designs or they can be structurally complicated. The chains are simple links which are woven into many different patterns.
Versatile Designs
More intricate designs are made with a ring link. This is close in design to the chain maille used by the knights. Two types come from this to include the flat style and the round style. European imported silver chains are flat with wide strips resembling fabric. This same technique for the heavy-duty armor of the past is used in modern times to make the silver chains strong and sturdy. They are also lovely to wear. This type of silver chain is usually handcrafted as mechanical machines cannot care for the delicate links. This handcrafted item means more detail and delicacy in the final jewelry piece.
The Heart Of Italy
Most commercial imported silver chains are shipped from Italy and are made by machine. They are produced to be of great quality and come in many styles to choose from. This makes them a great choice in imported silver chain. The metal is very bright and white as each is put together and plated with .999 silver. It makes them a finer piece and whiter than normal. They look great with anything you choose to wear whether it is a pair of jeans or a special occasion black dress.
American Made
Manufacturers located in America also create quality imported silver chains. They come from Rhode Island mostly. These pieces come in smaller quantities and are only found in the more high end jewelry and department stores. When jewelry stores purchase the chains, they buy in bulk rolls and customize them to the desired length. This means a customized piece in the right style and length you need.
The modern techniques that produce quality imported silver chains give even more reason for this to be the first choice in fine jewelry. These styles are trendy, popular, and are great for being affordable. There is no reason not to consider adding one of these pieces to your jewelry collection.

Nov 23, 2011

Early Childhood Education Affects A Child Very Much

Parents who are thinking of enrolling their children in an early childhood education may encounter a lot of issues regarding the appropriateness. There is an on-going debate with regards to sending children to school before they even reach 5 years old. Some people believe that kids are better off playing and enjoying their childhood, while others think that children need to be taught early on. Both of these may be due to the fact that they just want their children to enjoy, while others simply want to take advantage of the intelligence they possess during this stage.
While there may be some facilities offering educational activities for children below 5 years old called day care, this is not really the formal early childhood education. It is simply much like a baby sitting service since it usually offers toys and other activities that incorporates fun and learning. In this facility, education is not much emphasized. In the recent times, early childhood education puts its focus on the formal learning process as well as the other vital operations.
According to research, some children can benefit from an early childhood education. There is a lot of effective curriculum for kids all over the world. Basically, the schools give the parents a guarantee that they will keep the children safe in the school. Aside from the facilities, the pupils will be able to learn and enjoy the educational programs offered. This usually covers playing, learning, as well as socializing. These aspects are integrated together in preparation for primary school. As expected, some children will excel in other areas, while others will simply show average result. Nevertheless, these children are expected to stand out in academics in so far as the age group is concerned.
Amongst the primary purposes of early childhood education is the early onset in introducing the learning process to them. Before even reaching pre-school age, some parents think it is appropriate to expose them little by little to what their life will be in a few years. During this phase, the child will not just experience the regular brain development, but they are also given the chance to enhance their physical and verbal abilities, too.
The skill of the teacher is crucial in early childhood education. Patience and variety are needed in keeping these little children interested. They will not just use the conventional lesson plans, but they will also prepare the resources for their pupils. Creativity is a must since they need various types of teaching styles in keeping their attention span, and energy at bay.
The concept of early childhood education is fairly new, and has been increasingly popular amongst families with the goal of ensuring their child excels as they grow up. While this idea is appropriate for some children, chances are, this will not do well with other kids. Before having your child sign up to one, make sure you do the necessary research. Furthermore, assess whether your child is mature enough to handle this much stress. Above all, let your child realize that you will always be there every step of the way.

Nov 21, 2011

Early Education Teachers Focus On The Lives Of Young Children

Early childhood educators are a member of young children every day. Even persons hold management positions will find which they connect to children daily. The entire job you are able to obtain in this particular field will depend on your degree education. As with the majority of jobs, the longer advanced of your degree keep, the greater the quantity of jobs you will be qualified for.
  An early childhood education degree prepares you for a career wherein you employed in children, teaching them and helping them to develop into the responsible adults of tomorrow. Engaged on children everyday means that you can share in the creativity so their limitless craving to learn. Working as a possible early childhood educator, within a position, allows you the opportunity to shape young minds into future leaders.
  Graduates of early childhood education schemes will likely find that they're conditioned for numerous careers with respect to education. The very first decision they need to create concerns the age of the little ones they wish to partner with. Early childhood educators typically work with children from the time they are toddlers to approximately eight year old, teaching them social skills in addition to phonics, numbers, and letter recognition.
  The most basic education with this field requires a two-year commitment. During that time, you can be handed a certificate and / or Associate's degree. In advance of applying for this program, you need to have received your high school diploma or GED equivalent. Such programs teach basic professional skills and often bring about a beginner job.
  A Bachelor's degree in early education will take four years to complete. Often, credits earned from different schools can be transferred and applied towards your degree program. This is an important degree level for prospective public school teachers being a four-year degree is required just before being certified to teach. This degree is an element of more balanced program, offering both education requirements as well teaching skills.
  A Master's degree program that focuses on early childhood education generally includes more specialized concentrations like technology applied in schools or curriculum development. These degrees are typically awarded being a Master of Education degree (MEd) having early childhood education concentration. Many school systems base their salaries on an teacher's experience and education, while some require teachers to reach the goal their graduate degree during their first few time spent teaching.

Nov 15, 2011

California Early Childhood Education

  Families throughout California face a growing challenge when they seek licensed care for their children. For San Joaquin Valley families, the problem is particularly acute. A report on regional education and youth preparedness published in 2004 by the UC Merced Great Valley Center indicates that 49 percent of Valley children go to preschool compared to 54 percent statewide.
  UC Merced recently received a $600,000 gift from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to support work that will address these critical issues. Funding from the foundation is already helping advance the pursuit of research, dialogue and resources to expand the availability of high-quality care and education for young children.
  As a new research university, we have the opportunity to boost the understanding of best practices in early care and education through research, said Kenji Hakuta, dean of the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, who authored the proposal. Our goal is to develop the institutional capacity to provide regional leadership in increasing awareness and working with the early childhood education community to provide excellence in serving the community's early care and education needs.
  Approximately half of the Packard Foundation funding will be allocated to support development of the UC Merced Early Care and Education Center, which is envisioned as a model facility that will offer care and educational programming for infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children.
  A second component of the initiative will focus on related research and policy analysis conducted by faculty and students.
  Yet another portion of the funding will support regional dialogue designed to promote the quality of and access to early child care and preschool education. The Great Valley Center is expected to organize a series of town hall-style meetings with business, civic and political leaders; educational professionals; social service organizations; advocacy groups; and ethnic and religious leaders. Focused on the value of preschool and current trends in preschool, two sessions at the Great Valley Center's recent annual conferencein Sacramento have already started the dialogue on these important topics.

Nov 14, 2011

Obama Proposes Childhood Education Plan

Early Childhood Education
  Obama proposes a $10 billion "Zero to Five" early childhood education plan that would expand access to Early Head Start, preschool, and child-care services. Would establish an early learning council to coordinate federal and state early childhood education programs.
        McCain proposes better coordination among federal early childhood programs. Wants to create "Centers for Excellence" in Head Start that will promote best practices and improve regional coordination of early childhood education. Says there should be measurable standards for school readiness and improve pay of instructors. Parental involvement will be emphasized.

Nov 11, 2011

Early Childhood Education

  Early childhood education or ECE is very important to young children. Often, when we hear the word, we associate them with preschool and kindergarten. This should not be the case. For this education, this starts from the birth of the child up to the age of eight were the development of the brain is really in progress. As a parent, you have to know how important this type of education to your children is to ensure that they develop healthy and whole. We have to know what they need, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.
  As a parent who do not have an idea what ECE is all about, or believes the misconception about it, you may think that providing the basic needs of your child is enough. It is important to understand that aside from the basic needs, they also have emotional needs like adults. They also need attention and affection from the people around them. Do not think that having a nanny to take care of them while you are away is enough. This is a common mistake for parents all over the world. Seeing that they are working hard for the family to make sure that they provide the basic needs, they pass the responsibility to the nanny when it comes to the emotional needs.
  Note that within the ECE age or around birth to 6 years, you have to spend quality time with your children during their development years. You have to help them, as parents, to establish their identity in this early phase of their lives. Nannies are just your support group and not your replacement.
  What You Need To Know
  Information regarding this can be found everywhere. There are a lot of books about it, self-help that may help you understand your child’s need. You can, in addition, consult a child psychologist so that they can explain to you further the importance of being there for your kids during their pre-school years.
  Aside from that, the Internet is a good information tool as well in order for you to explore the world of preschoolers. There are thousands of references online that can provide you with not only the basic information but also advance information regarding this. There are also list of examples why it is important and how being informed will help your child as they grow up.
  You – The Parent
  As a parent, we have responsibilities to our children as soon as they are born. It is important that we establish their identity at a young age by helping them through their early years in life. It is vital to their success as an individual when they grow up. Take advantage of their young age to build a better foundation between you and your child. Ensure that they feel your love and affection together with feeling that they are accepted. By doing this, you are establishing their self worth. Read about early childhood education and surely, you will never go wrong in raising your child. And good quality time is often enough.

Nov 9, 2011

Focus On Early Childhood Education

     Early childhood education is the formal teaching and care of young children by people other than their family or in settings outside of the home. 'Early childhood' is usually defined as before the age of normal schooling - five years in most nations, though the U.S. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) instead defines 'early childhood' as before the age of eight.
   A child's needs during early childhood are different from those of older schoolchildren, because early childhood sees the greatest growth and development, when the brain develops most rapidly, almost at its fullest. It is a period when walking, talking, self-esteem, vision of the world and moral foundations are established.early years of life are critical to the development of intelligence, personality and social behaviour.
     Research on brain development attests to the importance of key mental, physical and social capabilities. If these fundamental capabilities are not well established from the start, and especially if neurological damage occurs, a child's learning potential could be adversely affected.[citation needed] As such, education in early childhood must have its own specific practices and issues.
     For programming purposes, it has been decided to extend the concept of early childhood to about 8 years of age. This age range provides the opportunity to reinforce the view of the development as a continuum. It will facilitate the interaction between the pre and initial school years. The concept of basic education calls for the inclusion of early childhood and the key "survival" grades, that is, the first two or three grades of primary education.Early childhood education often focuses on children learning through play.

Nov 8, 2011

How to Transition From Parent to Teacher

Home schooling is becoming more popular each year but there are still some parents that worry they won't be able to make the transition from parent to teacher and so they hesitate to try. Home schooling your child is a lot different from sending them to a public school but with the right resources any parent can be a great teacher and give their children the education they need. The main requirements is a strong desire to teach your child and the time to do so.
Tips on how to make the transition from parent to teacher:
· The first and most important thing that you need to realize is that you don't have to be a trained professional to educate your child. This is something that you've been doing since the day they were born and teaching them to read, write and do math is no different.
· Don t worry about not being able to answer all of your child's questions. As a parent, you don't always have all the answers and you're not expected to as a teacher either. This is actually a good opportunity to teach your child how to research and find the answers to questions you don't know.
· As a teacher you should have respect for your child and give them the space and time they need to learn at their own pace while at the same time making sure they are doing their best. This is the same requirements needed to be a parent.
· You will be a guide for your child pointing them in the right direction and giving them the means to learn. Fortunately, there are many resources available that will help you provide the information needed to teach them.
· Observe your child and see what techniques help them to learn more easily and which ones seem to make them frustrated and aggravated. This is easy for a parent to do because who knows your child better than you.
· Be creative and make learning fun for both of you.
Making the transition from parent to teacher is not as difficult as many parents believe because it's really no different from what you've been doing all along.
If you choose to home school, you will be responsible for your child's education and making sure they meet the standards of the state in which you live. You also need to make sure they have the education needed to continue on to college and prepare for the world that awaits them. However, the way you choose to teach your child is completely up to you and you're free to use any technique that works for your family.

Nov 6, 2011

Build A Stronger Family When You Homeschool Your Children

There is quite a history behind homeschooling because many countries have a history of home education. Where and how children in the United Stated are educated was greatly impacted by laws passed which required children in the US to attend school. Over the last 50 years or so, many things have happened that have caused parents to reconsider public schools as a means of education for their children, these events and influences have often lead to tragedy in US schools.
There are of course many parents who are not satisfied with a lot of the aspects of a traditional education. It is really not surprising that parents want to have more control over what happens to their children. The teaching their children are being taught as well as what happens to them is important to parents. Here are several of the many benefits of homeschooling your children.
One of the metrics so many parents look at when they are considering a new school for their children is the ratio of teachers to students. That is a prime indicator of many things not the least of which is individual attention. Because public schools have become overcrowded, the attention a teacher can give to each child has suffered because there simply isn’t enough time in a day. There are many students who can benefit from receiving more attention. When homeschooling, this is a situation that is resolved. Individual plans can be developed for homeschooled children that involves the amount of attention they receive and this can be adjusted as the need arises. No matter what the subject, this attention can make a huge difference in a child’s overall success in learning.
You can avoid those disruptive influences also known as “bullies” when you educate your children at home. We all can identify with that issue for the most part.
This of course depends on where you attended school, nevertheless, we still understand how much of a problem it can be in the classroom. Other kids who cause problems interrupt the class, and this causes the teacher to stop and deal with it. Your child’s education time is decreased when this behavior occurs. On top of this, you also shield your children from others with behavior problems by teaching them at home.
For some people the homeschool education can be the perfect solution to addressing areas of strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Homeschooling is defined as a customized approach to a child’s education offering an alternative to public education that best serves the child’s needs. This allows a child who is lacking in a particular subject to receive more one on one attention in that subject. On the other hand, if a child excels in any subject, then that can be developed further. No matter what the strengths or problem areas of a child might be, having a homeschool environment gives them the chance to develop in a healthy and supportive atmosphere.
Homeschooling can be fun and more exciting for the parent and the children. Because you have room for creativity in your child’s education this is true for most. There really is no reason why everything needs to be taught in a classroom. Stimulating young minds is often accomplished by making learning fun, new and exciting. That alone can lead to a greater interest in learning and education.

Nov 3, 2011

Selecting an Early Childhood Education Course

   Are you looking for a course in which you have great abilities with children and desire to generate very good cash in the long term? A single training course that I had been dreaming of being able to study to fit my skills may be the early childhood schooling training course. I just had this idea a few days ago following realizing that motherhood isn't that uncomplicated. Whenever you see your kid developing up and he is growing up to become somebody that can actually check your patience you'd probably really wish to know what may be the do's and don'ts of becoming a great mom. As being a mom, I want to get capable to give my kid the ideal of me, so that inside future if he will likely be on his personal he will likely be capable to use the wisdom I shared with him.
  I am generally having a good challenging time with my 2 yr old, since he is often performing factors that I know, he doesn't know yet which isn't the points I want him to try and do. I want being a strict mom occasionally however it also tends to make me really feel guilty every single time I do it the challenging way. I will not want being spanking him through his childhood so that he is not going to waste his food. I will not need to whip him every time he throws me factors or slap me or hit me in any way; I know which is just his childish techniques. My fear is that he will develop up disrespectful, I am truly afraid to increase him the wrong way mainly because I know that what ever the outcome of the little one in the long term, it would constantly be the parent's fault.
  The early childhood training program will help me realize young children much more, and how I can train them inside way, that he will set it in brain and he could have a superb judgment on items. For me, a childhood's education and learning is incredibly essential, as they say kids from up to half a year outdated will possess a photographic memory that could catch each detail from the factors you have stated or accomplished in front of him, producing him vulnerable towards grown ups' errors. In the exact same time, this course will give me an option of employment that I will probably be pursuing. I might consider teaching little kids in the exact same time knowing what to try and do with my own. I wouldn't anticipate it for being best but at least I are going to be in a position to adjust to youngsters and not get too inconsiderate to my two yr old. It is this kind of a wonderful feeling to possess a little one, but when faced with difficulties in giving out discipline, I generally fall out and flicker.
  I have study 1 post that mentioned "children don't recall what we say, but they recall precisely what we do". I am guessing that for a fantastic start out before I acquire up this training course, I will start it with becoming a good instance. And ahead of I could forget in that post it mentioned, "don't' bring operate at home", this really is exactly where I am very guilty about.

Nov 1, 2011

Music and Early Childhood Education

  Studies have shown that there are far more benefits to immersing ourselves in music. In adults, the benefits range from a coping mechanism for pain (emotional and physical), to improved motor skills. These benefits also extend to young children as well, which makes it such a great idea for parents and teachers to incorporate music into their everyday routines.
  According to the American Music Conference, research has revealed that learning about and creating music may help improve our overall learn abilities. It appears that thought patterns that come about when people create music it helps improve language learning, and math and social skills.
  Classical Music Makes Kids Smarter
  Known as the Mozart Effect, experts have found that when people listen to classical music, such as Mozarts piano sonatas, there were improved results on the Stanford-Binet IQ test by as much as eight to nine points.
  The short-term benefit can be found in what is referred to as spatial-temporal reasoning, which is important for resolving problems in everything from engineering to art. A study from the University of Wisconsin's Department of Psychology found that this benefit held true for preschoolers who received musical training.
  The brain-boosting benefits don�t stop there. When kids grow up listening and participating in music, they enjoy what they call a "rich sensory environment." Researchers believe this increases the neural connections between brain cells.
  Here are some of the additional benefits that researchers have found when kids are actively involved in music:
  - Preschoolers perform better in reading and math when they begin school
  - They are better at focusing
  - They play better with other children and have higher a self-esteem
  The great thing about music is that the love for it is ingrained in nearly every human being pretty much from birth. Of course, everyone's interest level varies, but this fact makes it an easier learning tool to use. Here are a few simple tips for using music as a learning tool:
  Buy your child musical instruments. They don't have to be the more expensive variety, consider a ukulele, tambourine, or conga drum, all of which are very affordable on any budget.
  Play music in the car with your children and have a sing-a-long.
  Take your children to age-appropriate musical events. Libraries and bookstores often host childrens musical shows
  While special methods may be needed to get children interested and attentive to other subject matters, music takes little effort to get their attention. It gives parents and teachers the perfect opportunity to accelerate a child's educational and social development.