Jul 5, 2012

Parents Should Not Over Use iPad In Early Childhood Education

As we all know, iPad is lightweight, stylish, easy-to-use, and functional. Many young moms and dads might give up traditional way to teach their kids in their early childhood education while use this magic device from Apple to educate their little boys and girls. Undeniably, iPad offers an easy access for parents to rich educational source and content like stories, games, numbers and so on. But young moms and dads should not over use this tablet PC in early childhood Education. If not, parents probably not only could not achieve their educational purpose, but also cause damage to their babies' eye sight and intelligence.
Little kids aging from 2 to 3 years haven't got their vision fully developed. It is a common sense for parents to restrict their kids from watching TV. Hardly menus, applications and pictures have no bright colors on iPad, right? As we all know, bight color easily cause excessive vision stimulation. Long time stare might cause fatigue to kids' optical nerve. In worse situation, the kids might suffer from nearsightedness. So, the next time you use ipad to please your kids when they are upset, think about the possible consquenses first.
Using iPad for early childhood education for long term is not all good. To kids, iPad is a picturized electronic device. If they have too much contact with this gadget, they might have difficulty in their future study. This electronic could influence kids' attention development. Like TV, iPad enables us to have faster operation because of its touch screen design. Therefore, many kids have no time to think but have to accept. If moms and dads use the device as long term educational tool, their kids might lose their elaborative faculty.
Although iPad have a lot of applications designed for kids. Comparing to traditional books, they have more abundant information and attractive exhibition ways. And books are much easier to handle, it doesn't matter if your kids drop it. However, iPad belongs to video education if they are used to early childhood education. Parents need to restrict their kids contact with iPad for consideration of their little angels eye sight and intelligence development. Advanced electronics are not all good.

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