Dec 26, 2012

There Are A Lot Of Fun Educational Games For Your Kids

There are a lot of fun educational games out there that parents buy for their children for learning a fun activity for them. Kids love the fun, but the integration of training is a good way to teach your children important lessons while having a great time. When choosing games for your children, it is important to consider that the opportunity to learn. Instead of allowing your children spending too much time games that teach them to spend something, instead you can let it get to their time and to get educated on something. Let your kids play educational games, they will be able to acquire new knowledge or skills they already possess and improve the new skills they have learned to have.

There are some children who think that learning is not an interesting thing seemed. And as parents it is our job to encourage them to learn to integrate them into their lives, as this will make them better people in the future. But you should not. This sound a bit difficult for her, because learning does not need to read more books There are a lot of fun learning games available today, the kids love to play and at the same time, you want to learn.

Your child can learn a great time. The combination of learning and fun will help parents, the best results. The joint training games that your child will enjoy learning. Includes brain games, reading games, math, history, board games, science games, spelling games, music games, and many more. There are a lot of reasons why parents should let your kids play with them. It helps them to improve their skills. It also allows them to learn team spirit, that they can help a lot as they age. These games also help their physical strength. Most games involve the transportation and lifting of blocks of wood, and to teach them to balance. This is the development of techniques, how to organize these building blocks you.

Children can be creative while playing these games. It also stimulates their creativity and artistic personalities. Puzzle of the training also helps the resolution of such a great and fun activity to do. There are many other fun games and learning tools that you can use it also allows your child games. These are called learning games that tons of educational games and fun, and let your child can play every day.

Dec 18, 2012

These Tips Will Ensure You Have Enough Money To Buy Children's Books

Children's books can be expensive, and many are age appropriate for only a few years. If you want shelves full of brand-new books for your children to read, you had better be ready to spend some serious dough. Many parents decide to buy children's books used because–as with children's clothes–they are quickly outgrown. Unfortunately, even when bought used, children's books can still be expensive. Hopefully, these tips will ensure you always have enough money to buy your kid's books.

1. Find Bulk Deals on Books

While you can get great deals on books at thrift stores and yard sales, you can get even better deals if you buy in bulk. See a box of gently used children's books at a yard sale? Instead of picking out a few at fifty cents apiece, offer them five dollars for the box. Check with your local library to see when they have their annual book sale. Often you can fill up a whole bag for a few bucks. Also check thrift stores in your area or when traveling. Many will offer bag deals that will allow you to get as many books as you can fit in a plastic grocery bag for $3-7 dollars. Even if such a deal isn't posted, ask if they ever hold such a sale.

2. Buy Books to Use and Trade

So you've found a bag sale. Make the most of it. Start with getting your bag. Not all bags are created equal. If the sale has a box of bags for you to serve yourself, take a couple seconds (not minutes) to look through the box. Plastic bags from restaurants and clothing stores are bigger. If the sale offers you a large paper bag for a couple bucks more, the paper is usually a much better deal. Grab two bags and start filling.
There are a lot of great children's books out there. You can afford to be picky.

However, at a bag sale, it is unlikely that you will be able to fill your bag with books you want. I rarely find more than five books I want to keep. So what to do with the rest of the space in your bag? Buy books that other people will want.

Start with the children's section because that's what you came there for anyway. Look for anything in reasonably good condition by Disney, Boynton, Carle, Curio's George, Beginner Books (Cat in the Hat logo on spine), or anything with a Movie/TV connection. Look also for board books in good condition, especially if they have some unusual (and undamaged) feature.

In the hardcovers, don't buy anything without a dust jacket in reasonably good shape. Also, don't buy anything that is a book club edition. These editions are slightly smaller and virtually worthless (however, some authors like Nicholas Sparks write shorter works that are always published in this size). As a general rule, never buy a book that was withdrawn from library circulation (contrary to popular opinion, library sales are usually comprised mostly of donated books rather than withdrawn books). Nonfiction hardcovers will generally be your most valuable finds, but there's a fickle art to picking out the right ones.

3. Trade the Books You Don't Want

Take your unwanted books to a used bookstore. Since most towns have more than one, go to the one with the nicest selection first. They probably won't take all the books you bring them. Take the rejected ones to the next nicest etc.

This year I've bought four bags of books at a cost of $16 (two for $3 each, two for $5 each). In the four bags, I got about twenty books I wanted (at less than a dollar per book). In addition, I got about $100 worth of trade credit at local bookstores.

Of course, most towns also have well stocked public library, but a personal children's library can be a great help in teaching your children to love reading.

Dec 11, 2012

How Important Are Kid's Educational Toys

Kid's educational toys serve a substantially larger purpose besides simply giving your child something to learn with, and keeping the through your hair. Kid's learning toys achieve that; they manufacture opportunities on your child to cultivate mentally, and to learn tools and functioning skills which they will must make use of with regards to success for an adult.

Needs to be fact, this is actually the primary reason why parents want their kids to experience educational toys. They got to have their children to possess a leg up whenever they pay a visit to school. Most parents are savvy enough to know that education is really a process, and not simply an issue that arises during school hours.

Education is required to be supplemented in the home. Parents who educate their kids prior to child starts school have often discovered that their own kids is far more advanced, and possess been elevated to enhance grade levels above a comparative age group. When parents supplement their child's education in college with educational tools from home, they can be setting their kids as much as become sophisticated, well-rounded people who are in the position to problem solve, and understand complex concepts. Wine beverage these things assistance in college it also enables them to of their career years at the workplace. Educated kids became educated adults that can provide for themselves, and their families.

Kid's educational toys may promote creativity, or they might promote problem-solving. Educational toys can be purchased for the kids who’re newborns, as much as their pre-teen years. Believe it or not, many parents need to immerse their children in educational pursuits from the moment them to born! Parents believe as long as they immerse their newborn into learning with kid's toys, and then the infant will buy concepts by osmosis. Many parents need to challenge serotonin levels aim of the newborn, to ensure that as soon as the child learns walking, talk, and connect with the entire world, your child will hopefully become more advanced than other children what their age is. Parents hope that whenever a child is advanced into their education, certain opportunities will arrive their method might not exactly otherwise.

Dec 4, 2012

How To Buy The Best Children's Books For Your Kids

Children's books can be expensive, and many are age appropriate for only a few years. If you want shelves full of brand-new books for your children to read, you had better be ready to spend some serious dough. Many parents decide to buy children's books used because–as with children's clothes–they are quickly outgrown.

Unfortunately, even when bought used, children's books can still be expensive.
While you can get great deals on books at thrift stores and yard sales, you can get even better deals if you buy in bulk. See a box of gently used children's books at a yard sale? Instead of picking out a few at fifty cents apiece, offer them five dollars for the box. Check with your local library to see when they have their annual book sale. Often you can fill up a whole bag for a few bucks. Also check thrift stores in your area or when traveling. Many will offer bag deals that will allow you to get as many books as you can fit in a plastic grocery bag for $3-7 dollars. Even if such a deal isn't posted, ask if they ever hold such a sale.

So you've found a bag sale. Make the most of it. Start with getting your bag. Not all bags are created equal. If the sale has a box of bags for you to serve yourself, take a couple seconds to look through the box. Plastic bags from restaurants and clothing stores are bigger. If the sale offers you a large paper bag for a couple bucks more, the paper is usually a much better deal. Grab two bags and start filling.

There are a lot of great children's books out there. You can afford to be picky. However, at a bag sale, it is unlikely that you will be able to fill your bag with books you want. I rarely find more than five books I want to keep. So what to do with the rest of the space in your bag? Buy books that other people will want.

Start with the children's section because that's what you came there for anyway. Look for anything in reasonably good condition by Disney, Boynton, Carle, Curious George, Beginner Books, or anything with a Movie/TV connection. Look also for board books in good condition, especially if they have some unusual feature.

Skip the young adult for the time being and head for the paperbacks. Fiction works tend to hold their value better in paperback than in hardcover. Look for popular authors. Trade paperbacks are more valuable. Romance novels are generally worthless unless they are about Amish people. If an author is super-popular like John Grisham, get only his most recent stuff and perhaps some older stuff if they have new covers. Never buy books with clipped corners or stamped "not for resale" as a bookstore probably gave them away for free at some point.

In the hardcovers, don't buy anything without a dust jacket in reasonably good shape. Also, don't buy anything that is a book club edition. These editions are slightly smaller and virtually worthless. As a general rule, never buy a book that was withdrawn from library circulation. Nonfiction hardcovers will generally be your most valuable finds, but there's a fickle art to picking out the right ones.

Young adult books tend not to hold much value. However, you might consider picking up books with Movie/TV connections and popular series like Choose Your Own Adventure, Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys. Remember that your child will one day be old enough for these, so you might want to keep some.

Nov 27, 2012

Kids Dance Education Is Also So Important For Them

In the age of standardized testing, arts environments can provide the safe havens where mistakes are treated as discoveries and expression is celebrated. Higher order thinking is a natural part of the performance and students exit the stage smarter and more prepared for whatever life has in store for them. Dancers have an edge.

Kids dance education can teach them to practice what is usually reserved for older students in other academic subjects. Dance gives the freedom and permission for students to question and explore, "What if?"

From a movement strand to composition structure to the study of alignment, the dance class is a constant set of negotiations happening in real time.

The body is constantly engaged in physical experiments dealing with weight, time, and force with variables shifting day by day or even hour by hour. Students have to be present and aware in a way that traditional classes wish they could engage.

The type of learning involved in dance study engages the whole child: physically, emotionally, and intellectually. As a result, it is also an inclusive environment where students with all types of learning styles can have an equal chance for success.

If we compare Bloom's Taxonomy, a theory about learning styles divided into three main categories (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), to general approaches to the creative process, we see that they are virtually the same.

The traditions of dance training innately apply these sophisticated goals. Imagine what could be done with attention to teaching details that allow the students to see behind the curtain and have some input in how and why they produce dance.

Creating dance, particularly when involved in the information gathering and decision-making aspects of dance-making, is a direct example of higher order thinking- the most valuable type of learning. Essentially, students are learning how to learn and how to communicate. This is what kids need in order to be able to address a future world we can only dare to imagine now.

Nov 20, 2012

Kids Can Learn A Lot From Kid's Educational Toys

When children are growing up, they need to be surrounded in an educational environment in order to foster learning. This allows them to be better prepared for when they turn into adults, and it also prepares them for the real world. There are some kid's educational toys that can be found online, which gives parents a chance to enhance their child's learning while have fun at the same time.

One of the best kid's educational toys to purchase today is a wooden tool bench. These benches are great because they give children a chance to role play. Just like their parents when they work, children can feel like they are building unique items with their tools and workbench. Imagination is everything for a child because it fosters their critical thinking skills. Having a wooden tool bench allows children to learn without having to be consumed by technologies such as the television or computer.

Another toy that is great for improving a child's learning capabilities is a wooden drawing board. These boards allow children to use their imagination and create unique drawings. They can also practice their spelling, which prepares them for when they are back in school. Children can even practice math problems on this board if they so choose. Children can play games on these boards that teach them about the value of competition. Games such as tic tack toe or word finding games are great for teaching children about new vocabulary words. These boards are easy to set up and store, which makes them ideal for children who want to keep their rooms clean.

Building blocks are also great for sparking a child's creativity. They can make unique structures, which allow them to use their imagination. Building blocks are also great for building relationships between a child and their friends. The can invite them offer and can help each other build. They can improve their critical thinking skills and increase their social skills as well with building blocks.

When children are out for the summer, they should always be surrounded in an educational environment. This allows them to develop their mind and stay sharp even when they are not in school. This can be done with the use of these educational gifts mentioned above. They will be able to come home and learn new things while having fun at the same time.

Oct 14, 2012

Benefits of Early Childhood Education

There are so many benefits of early childhood education that many parents are of the opinion that it should be made essential and not just an option. The beneficial abilities children develop and the existing ones they improve, these two attributes alone make the case for Early Childhood Education and its huge positive impact on a child.
In today's article, we will shed some light on the benefits of enrolling children in school early on. Parents considering early education or those unsure if their little ones are ready for school just yet will find this information very useful.
1. The Ability to Learn
Perhaps the single best ability a child develops and embraces in an early childhood education program is the ability to learn. The first small step towards education, prosperity and a overall successful life. All children are curious by nature and whatever they will react to whatever they see, hear and touch. This ability to learn and adapt must be carefully supervised early on in order to mold the child into a better person in the long run and make him a successful human being in society. Preschool Education is instrumental in putting a child on that path.
2. The Importance of Communication
Children will communicate by any means necessary. It is important for their voice to be heard. Preschool education will engage the child head on and improve his or her communication with the world. Children will learn how to express themselves properly and how to understand what is being told to me. This ability to communicate effectively helps them in their daily tasks and provides them with better understanding of the world they inhabit.
3. Emphasis on Teamwork
It is commonly understood that children are most comfortable with peers their age because in their own minds they see them are someone "equal" that they can interact with. The classrooms in preschools have numerous children of the same age group interacting with each other and performing tasks and engaging in learning and recreational activities. Preschool education teaches the child the importance of teamwork and how everyone in the group has to put in the effort to make it to the finish line.
4. Improved Health and Well Being
Children demand time and attention. Parents find it hard to make time for time due to work and other family duties. Early childhood education is essential in this regard as it gives children plenty of room to develop both mentally and physically. Preschool education puts great emphasis on the importance of sports and recreational activities. A healthy body keeps a healthy mind and early education programs strive to keep children in shape for their age and height and keep developing at a steady pace both mentally, physically, socially and emotionally.
Hopefully this will give parents a good idea of how beneficial preschool education and early childhood education can be for their children. They provide the building block for a child to grow in all aspects. All parents should take advantage of this.

Jul 27, 2012

There Are So Many Benefits Of Music Education For Children

Making their child to be a genius child is the same dream for all the parents in the world, the child is always the pride of the parents. To make us unique, education is the most important thing for all the children since the baby. There are quite so many things the children need to learn, and all the education is necessary. Today more and more parents like to give their children the amateurish education, such as dancing education, chess education and so many others. Music education is always the parents' favourite, because they know that there are so many benefits of music education.

Although learning music is the very hard work, but very rewarding, it can lead to a genuine increase in self-esteem. This can happen when a student masters the many steps along the way to becoming proficient, as well as when they have a successful recital or concert.

Music education can increase children's memory through the children learn to recognize all the different notes., it is quite beneficial to their study in the future.

Music can be seen as a creative outlet for self expression. This may take the form of learning music that mimics experienced emotions. Or it may be expressed in creating music and lyrics, which can then be presented to family and friends.

Learning music can help them to boost academic achievement. Although the exact mechanics of this is often not understood, the belief is that learning music stimulates parts of the brain that then have a carry-over impact on all academic areas. It also provides structure and focus which may benefit other areas of learning.

Learning to work well with others is aslo one of those things that when present is often overlooked, but when absent is often painfully obvious. Performing music requires the skills associated with teamwork that are valuable throughout life. In order to play an instrument successfully students need to be tuned in to what those around them are doing so that the various instruments form a cohesive unit.

When talking about the benefits of music education it is important to acknowledge the value that can be found in the structure, organization, and discipline that it offers. Structure and organization are important skills to be learned. They can carry a child forward in many areas of life, not just music education. When talking about discipline here we are discussing the discipline it takes for the child to set aside time each week to practice. Learning to discipline themselves can eliminate procrastination, and like structure and organization, can be valuable in all areas of life.

Enjoyment may not be the top priority for many when considering the benefits of music education, but can be a great asset to consider. If playing an instrument is considered enjoyable it may take time away from less desirable things, such as watching television or playing video games. In addition to this, any activity that is enjoyable can be a great stress reliever, which may be especially important for our kids right now since they are living in a world of ever increasing stress.

Jul 22, 2012

Development in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education knowledge has grown due to advances in medical technology. Cat scans, MRIs and Pet scans have opened up the brain to study in ways never before possible. Information on how the brain assimilates information, how it processes information and how it reacts is building new understanding. This understanding is forcing researchers to ponder how to develop early childhood curricula that infuses new knowledge about language, cognition and motor development, as well as social and emotional behavior.
Language Development
According to Dr. Ann Epstein's article "Montessori Early Childhood Language: Life-Long Literacy," language development is the cornerstone of all early childhood curricula. Although a good early childhood curriculum is an asset in a classroom, the moment-to-moment interactions children have with teachers and other children have a more significant impact on language development than only implementing the curriculum. Communicating with children positively impacts the development of language concepts and skills. Talking to children about what is happening in their lives is the opportunity to create language that fits within context.
Cognitive Development
Cognition is the process of thinking. Piaget, a prominent child development researcher, identified two stages of early childhood cognitive development--sensori-motor and symbolic representation. A curriculum focusing on sensori-motor development provides infants to 2-year-olds with the opportunity to learn about the world using their senses. A curriculum focusing on symbolic representation has activities for 2- to 4-year-olds that support the ability to create mental images and to remember them when the object is not immediately in front of them.

Jul 5, 2012

Parents Should Not Over Use iPad In Early Childhood Education

As we all know, iPad is lightweight, stylish, easy-to-use, and functional. Many young moms and dads might give up traditional way to teach their kids in their early childhood education while use this magic device from Apple to educate their little boys and girls. Undeniably, iPad offers an easy access for parents to rich educational source and content like stories, games, numbers and so on. But young moms and dads should not over use this tablet PC in early childhood Education. If not, parents probably not only could not achieve their educational purpose, but also cause damage to their babies' eye sight and intelligence.
Little kids aging from 2 to 3 years haven't got their vision fully developed. It is a common sense for parents to restrict their kids from watching TV. Hardly menus, applications and pictures have no bright colors on iPad, right? As we all know, bight color easily cause excessive vision stimulation. Long time stare might cause fatigue to kids' optical nerve. In worse situation, the kids might suffer from nearsightedness. So, the next time you use ipad to please your kids when they are upset, think about the possible consquenses first.
Using iPad for early childhood education for long term is not all good. To kids, iPad is a picturized electronic device. If they have too much contact with this gadget, they might have difficulty in their future study. This electronic could influence kids' attention development. Like TV, iPad enables us to have faster operation because of its touch screen design. Therefore, many kids have no time to think but have to accept. If moms and dads use the device as long term educational tool, their kids might lose their elaborative faculty.
Although iPad have a lot of applications designed for kids. Comparing to traditional books, they have more abundant information and attractive exhibition ways. And books are much easier to handle, it doesn't matter if your kids drop it. However, iPad belongs to video education if they are used to early childhood education. Parents need to restrict their kids contact with iPad for consideration of their little angels eye sight and intelligence development. Advanced electronics are not all good.

May 3, 2012

Music May Assist Cognitive Development For Children

child plays the piano
ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2009) — Children exposed to a multi-year programme of music tuition involving training in increasingly complex rhythmic, tonal, and practical skills display superior cognitive performance in reading skills compared with their non-musically trained peers, according to a study published in the journal Psychology of Music.
Several studies have reported positive associations between music education and increased abilities in non-musical (eg, linguistic, mathematical, and spatial) domains in children. The authors say there are similarities in the way that individuals interpret music and language and “because neural response to music is a widely distributed system within the brain…. it would not be unreasonable to expect that some processing networks for music and language behaviors, namely reading, located in both hemispheres of the brain would overlap.”
The aim of music study was to look at two specific reading subskills – vocabulary and verbal sequencing – which, according to the authors, are “are cornerstone components in the continuum of literacy development and a window into the subsequent successful acquisition of proficient reading and language skills such as decoding and reading comprehension.”
Using a quasi-experimental design, the investigators selected second-grade children from two school sites located in the same geographic vicinity and with similar demographic characteristics, to ensure the two groups of children were as similar as possible apart from their music experience.
Children in the intervention school (n=46) studied piano formally for a period of three consecutive years as part of a comprehensive instructional intervention program. Children attending the control school (n=57) received no formal musical training on any musical instrument and had never taken music lessons as part of their general school curriculum or in private study. Both schools followed comprehensive balanced literacy programmes that integrate skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
“All of this adds a compelling layer of meaning to the experimental outcomes, perhaps signaling that decisions on ‘when’ to teach are at least as important as ‘what’ to teach when probing differential neural pathways and investigating their associative cognitive substrates,” note the authors.
“Study of how music may also assist cognitive development will help education practitioners go beyond the sometimes hazy and ill-defined ‘music makes you smarter’ claims and provide careful and credible instructional approaches that use the rich and complex conceptual structure of music and its transfer to other cognitive areas,” they conclude.
Peaking about her appointment, Rosa said: “Music Generation will bring great opportunities for children and young people to get involved in music in different ways. I am really looking forward to being part of the programme. I have worked across many different areas of music and the arts and I firmly believe in the Music Generation model of creating local access to music education will bring tangible benefits to the community.
We have some great plans for Music Generation Laois, such as the Laois School of Rock, the Music Box – a music programme for children with special needs – a choral Singfest and providing access to instrument banks for children and young people.”
Director of Music Generation, Rosaleen Molloy, said: “We are delighted to have Rosa on the Music Generation team. Her wealth of experience in arts administration and music education will significantly enhance the exciting plans for music education and for children and young people in Laois over the coming years.”

Apr 18, 2012

When Children's Attention is Focused, Their Interest will be Easily Cultivated

Children's attention
Getting children's attention before one particular start 2nd or bit of an excess toy vehicle it region crucial in direction of yield every children's attention. Please are witness to my preceding review "The Numbers Game" a sign a great technique in direction of cater this.The eye sight of legitimate model tropical island simple.When an individual sing the music.

For instance when a child is provided with a children's bible, you will find that it immediately draws their interest. These books often contain detailed, bright pictures, activities, and easy to understand lessons that completely grab a child's attention. The evangelical companies that produce these bibles know and understand what attracts young readers. The publishing companies are extremely sensitive to the fact that there are different denominations that are part of the Christian faith, so they work hard to ensure that only basic bible stories are relayed in their publications. This assists in grabbing the child's attention and reduces confusion that often stems from various types of denominations. You will find that the attractive stories are laid out based on the core teachings that are associated with the christin faith

The various exhibits that are made available to children at the museum cover many subjects, including science, culture, environmental awareness, health and fitness, and the arts. Some of the museum's most-popular permanent exhibit's include Arthur & Friends, Art Studio, The Common, Global Gallery, Japanese House, KidStage, PlayLab, The Recycle Shop and the Science Playground. Children can also have some great fun on the museum's light-up dance floor. In addition to its permanent exhibits, the museum also hosts many informative and fun-filled events to promote international understanding and knowledge of history and global arts and culture.

Knowing when to contact a children's dentist is vital. At times what may seem like a minor problem may just be the warning signs for a more serious condition. Scheduling regular dental check-ups is one the best ways to catch such early signs. Moreover, preventive dentistry practices such as dental check-ups help to ensure proper oral hygiene and health. Teaching the child the importance of caring for their own teeth will also go a long way to ensuring proper oral hygiene is maintained. 

Apr 11, 2012

Great Tips On Financial Education For Your Children

Teaching children to grow into financially responsible adults has proven to be quite a challenge for most parents. You either don't know how to talk to your kids about money, you haven't a clue what to say if you could or you don't realize you're laying down the foundation for their financial education whether you say anything or not.

Does talking to children about entrepreneurship at an early age make sense? Our school system is set up to lead our children into the workplace as employees, not employers. Now don't get me wrong, we as a society definitely need employees: police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, etc., but why not shine some light on entrepreneurship too?

Incorporating the principles and philosophies of success with emphasis on teamwork, community involvement, and entrepreneurship go well with all types of learners of varying ages. Children deserve the opportunity to at least hear about what entrepreneurship is, why they may want to be entrepreneurial, when they could do this and, of course, how to be an entrepreneur. We find that children are very responsive when talking about making money on their own. As early as six years of age, children are starting to realize the importance behind making your own money vs. working for someone else. Unfortunately, not enough children in the world are being introduced to this kind of lifestyle. So below you will find some great tips, in no particular order, to help introduce your child to entrepreneurship.

1. Story Time

A great way to get your child started is by sharing with them inspiring stories of kids today, who are already entrepreneurs. The internet is a great resource, making available great stories about kid entrepreneurs from around the world, what they are doing right now and how they are doing it. When sharing inspiring kid entrepreneur stories ask your children questions like: How did they do that? Why did they do it? Do you think you can do something like that? What makes you feel that way? If you get an answer like "I cant do that," then just follow up with "Well, if you could do that, how would you do it?" This usually gets an answer. Oh, and don't forget to show your kids pictures, watch video's or check out news clips of kid entrepreneur's. Its also quite effective when kids hear the stories right from another kids mouth.

2. Field Trip Fun

Contact local businesses, churches or news agencies to see if you could arrange for your kids to visit with them and get a behind the scenes look at how the particular business operates. Approach businesses that hold a high interest level for your kids. Let the places know that your interested in a behind the scenes look at their business operations for your children and their friends who are learning about entrepreneurship. I highly recommend that you bring your children's friends too, so you all can enjoy the experience together and so that your child has like minded individuals to discuss their findings with.

3. Raising Some Bucks

Have a fundraiser for a cause that is very important to your child or have them pick products they think they can sell either in the neighborhood or to local businesses. Let your kids bring in some of their friends that want to be a part of the action. Have them brainstorm ideas and narrow the list down to a few that they all agree on. Assist them in organizing the timing and the locations they conduct these "business meetings."

4. Make Planning Fun

Start planning with your kids. For the younger kids create a plan book from scratch, even some of the older kids can get into this too. Design it however they want. They can add stickers or make fancy title pages within their planner. The point here is for them to personalize it as much as they like. You can even pick up an inexpensive planner for their use. Talk to them about the importance of using the planner daily, and getting into the habit of planning for each day the night before. Explain to them how this will start to free up more time for them to do the things they want to be doing, instead of just doing the things they have to be doing as they become more focused. In addition to a planner/goal book, have children create a journal as well, writing down brief entries into a personal journal on a daily basis of things that interest or perplex them is a great way to get them started with being responsible, planning for their future, and allowing them time for natural, real world problem solving!

5. Use Your Imagination

Go online or to your library and search for wonderful places around the globe that you would love to visit sometime in your life. Have the kids look through books or at websites. Take notice as to what types of places intrigue them the most and talk about those places. Ask them what they would have to do in order to get to visit these wonderful places. Have them search how much it would cost to fly there if you were to leave today. What could they do to raise enough money for a trip like that? What other expenses may they encounter planning for a trip to that location? If its something they really want to do have them list it in their journal as one of their goals and then start to list all the things they need to do in order to reach that goal.

6. Break Out the Seasonings

Sharpen you children's sense and general memory by playing memory games/puzzles. Play silly and fun games like "Identify that smell" or "Name that object" where children are paired off in teams and try to identify blindfolded certain odors or identify what object they are touching without being able to see it. Not only is it fun but it will also help enhance the brain performance of its participants. Thereby increasing creativity and problem solving abilities, two key ingredients in becoming an entrepreneur!

7. Don't be shy

I know that there is a lot of old fashioned parents out their that think that the household finances should be top secret and not discussed with children. When it comes to bill time or any time money needs to be discussed, don't be shy. Share with children the expenses and income you manage each month and each year. Show them the bills you pay, how much they are, and when they are due. Explain to them how you make your payments on these bills. If you write checks to pay them, then have them help you with that. If you pay some of your bills online, have them help with that too. Don't be shy, show them how you balance your checkbook and keep track of your finances. If your not sure how yourself, research it online or at the library and learn it with your children. You would be surprised as to how many kids are actually interested in learning how to pay bills, balance a bank account, or even create a budget...and it increases their interest in math by giving them purpose for learning the subject!

8. Try Something Different

Have a "what I want to be when I grow up" party with your child and their friends; where everyone comes to the party as what they want to be when the grow up. Children play the role and parents encourage by catering to the children's needs. You can give prizes to the kids for acting their parts and encourage the role-playing. This will help them see themselves now as they could potentially become in the future, bringing the feelings of success of what it would feel like. By the parents catering to the "grown-ups" needs, the kids get the idea of what respectful/professional treatment would seem like when they actually reach their goals.

Mar 31, 2012

Art Education For Your Children And Develop Their Talent

Most parents know that giving a child crayons and a coloring book is great way to occupy a kid for a few hours. What many do not know is what an important role art plays in a child's development. In recent years a multitude of studies have been made available that link art education to a variety of important aspects of childhood learning. Art education has been linked to increased creativity, development of problem solving skills and better communication skills just to start. The skills that can be developed through art education are skills that last a lifetime and can benefit a child into adulthood regardless of what career path that child may choose. Understanding the importance of art education will allow this often undervalued development tool gain momentum in main stream education programs.

The first thing that comes to mind for most people when thinking about the relevance of art is the development of creativity. Creativity is an important skill that can be nurtured though art education for children of all ages. Despite popular belief, creativity is relevant to more than just a child's artistic ability. A creative child will use that skill in all areas of life from problem solving to communication. All of which is needed in everyday learning situations from math and science to reading. The goal of education is to prepare children for their adult life, creativity and problem solving skills are a valuable asset at all points in a person's life. Many people tend to think that only artists need to be creative but what about the child who is able to come up with a creative solution to resolve a math or science question. It is the child who can resolve problems through reasoning as oppose to memorization that excels in the school setting. These same skills come in handy later on in life when that child finally enters the workforce.

Communication skills are also a valuable asset when it comes to success in school and then later success in the workforce. Art can be used as a method to help children develop better communication skills. Everyone has seen young children draw pictures of their house and family members. These types of drawings allow a child to express certain ideas that may be difficult to express through language. Having a child talk about the pictures they draw then serves as a tool to help develop those necessary language skills. As a child gets older art can be used to express the complex emotions that develop throughout childhood. Communication skills are vital to success in a school setting and increasing a child's ability to communicate will enrich a child's life well into the future.

An increase in ability in the areas of problem solving skills, creativity and communication directly translates to better learning in all areas of education. As more people begin to understand the relationship between art and learning hopefully the number of art related programs in schools will increase. There tends to be more focus on learning the skills associated with reading, writing, math and science. Increasing awareness about the role art education plays in developing these skills is a step in the right direction. This will help society create an education program that provides the best learning environment for our children and will in turn create more productive individuals later in life.

There are a large number of students who have difficulty learning material using traditional teaching methods. Learning disabilities vary from mild forms such as attention deficit disorder to more severe disabilities like autism and mental retardation. Incorporating art into the curriculum of students with learning disabilities can be a useful tool. Students with disabilities are not students who are incapable of learning but instead are students who may need material presented to them using alternative methods. Methods that incorporate art can be very successful for these children.

Many students with disabilities are separated from regular students for either part of all of the school day. These students spend a great deal of time focusing on remedial skills and learning new skills to help them catch up with the rest of the class. For students with learning disabilities the knowledge that they are not able to function at the same level as other students can be very discouraging. Introducing these students to art classes can offer them the opportunity to do something creative where success is not measured by the same standards as in regular academics. The feeling of succeeding at something can provide these students with self-worth and confidence that can carry over into other areas of study. Allowing children to be involved with art related activities also encourages creativity, problem solving skills, motor skills and other skills that are useful in all areas of academics like math, science and language.

Art lessons can be combined with traditional lessons and used as a teaching tool for these students. Children that have difficulty with verbal expression will often have more success by expressing themselves through art. Practicing expression through art may translate to better overall communication skills. Teaching math and science lessons that are hands on art based lessons also tend to hold a student's interest more than traditional lecture lessons. Sometimes just holding a student's attention is half the battle especially for students with attention deficit disorder. Activities that encourage drawing and painting can help students learn about shapes, contrast and spatial relationships. Teachers can implement lessons that use these art activities to teach basic math skills like geometry and various other math techniques. Another interesting way to teach history involves having students create plays that focus on historical events. This method can help students internalize the material as oppose to just memorizing facts from a textbook.

Mar 24, 2012

The Field Of Early Childhood Education Offers Many Career Options

Parents who are thinking of enrolling their children in an early childhood education may encounter a lot of issues regarding the appropriateness. There is an on-going debate with regards to sending children to school before they even reach 5 years old. Some people believe that kids are better off playing and enjoying their childhood, while others think that children need to be taught early on. Both of these may be due to the fact that they just want their children to enjoy, while others simply want to take advantage of the intelligence they possess during this stage.

The field of early childhood education offers many career options. You can choose one that interests you. Many educational institutions offer courses in early childhood education. One also has the option to do these courses online. Listed below are some of the career options in the field of early childhood education.

Child Daycare Worker
Pursuing a high school diploma in early childhood education will help you to take up the job of a day care worker. Here you will get a chance to interact with little babies and toddlers. You can start your own daycare center or apply at a center run by some other person. Day care centers do not need actual teaching skills. Here, you need to be creative and innovative to teach children basic skills through fun games and activities. This is quite a flexible job, where you can work either part-time or full-time.

Preschool Teacher
Preschool teachers have the responsibility of teaching kids ranging from 2 years till the age they are ready to join kindergarten. This is the age when young children start exploring their surroundings and have numerous queries in their mind. This job would be great if you have the patience and interest to be in the company of young children. An associate degree or a bachelor's degree in early childhood education will be beneficial to become a preschool teacher. In these courses, you will have to study about child development and child psychology. You will also be taught skills and methods of teaching children basic concepts, like, the alphabets, colors, numbers, etc. Teaching in an early childhood education center primarily involves the use of educational and fun games and activities and teaching through play. The preschool teacher is also responsible for enhancing the social skills of little children and developing self-confidence and self worth in them.

Kindergarten or Elementary School teacher
Kindergarten and elementary school teachers have the responsibility of the academic education of children. At this stage, children have to be taught to read and write and also be exposed to variety of subjects like maths, science, social studies, etc. This is a preparatory stage before high school, so the focus is on teaching basic concepts and skills related to various subjects. It is necessary to have a bachelor's degree to teach at this level. This course helps the trainee teachers to develop skills and expertise to teach difficult concepts to children and also to deal with them in the classroom situation. In a class, there will be children of different capabilities, family backgrounds etc. Sometimes there may even be children who have certain limitations or difficulties. A good teacher should have the ability to attend to the needs of every child.

Education Administrator
Administrators are needed in every educational institution, be it a school or a child day care center. The duty of the educational administrator is to supervise the everyday activities of the school. They are responsible for the smooth functioning of the school and have to chalk out the curriculum, make budgets and monitor the working of the teachers and other staff members. It is a full-time job and the qualification required to become an educational administrator is a Master's Degree or a PhD.

Postsecondary teacher
A post secondary teacher is a person who has a master's degree and teaches children at the high school level. Postsecondary teachers can also take up the job of teaching student trainees who are pursuing bachelor or associate degree courses in early childhood education.

The field of early childhood education is a fast growing one with a plethora of career opportunities. Salaries would depend on the career path you have chosen in this field. But, along with the monetary gain, the best thing about the field of early childhood education is the opportunity to shape and mold the personalities of young children.

Mar 16, 2012

Child Education Tips

One of the most important things for any child is a good education from an early age. They need to be taught social skills and learn to interact with their contemporaries and ideally teaching should begin in the home or a child education scheme - before the child starts education.

The Best Start in Life.
To give your child the best possible start in life it is probably best to combine a stimulating home environment with an education scheme. In the home the child gets your individual one on one attention. In the right scheme your child will learn to interact with their peers and work as part of a team in a socially acceptable way and they will develop their communication skills.

Child Education Schemes.
From the age of two a child can join one of the many schemes devoted to child development. Most of these schemes combine physical games and exercise with language skills and pre-reading activities.

For two- to five-year-olds they offer a mixture of free play and structured games with the emphasis on fun. Games are non-competitive and focus on building the child's confidence - a great advantage when they start school or pre-school.
For six- to twelve-year-olds there are schemes that offer lots of different games and exercise. Exercises are disguised as games so the children are having fun while getting physically fit. Jumping rope and playing hula hoop are excellent physical exercise as well as being great fun. The professional staff are all fully trained in health and safety and you need have no fear for your child's well-being.

In The Home.
Of course parents have a large part to play in their child's education. In the home it is important to play with the child, talk to them a lot and read to them to develop their language skills. Spending time with your child reciting nursery rhymes, pointing to pictures and letters in board books or playing with alphabet blocks will all help your child to start reading at an early age.

You will be surprised to find that your child will soon recognise the covers of their favourite books and will even pretend to be reading them using the words that they remember from your story telling sessions. It is a wonderful feeling when a child recognizes their first letter or word.

Providing colored crayons and paper or coloring books will help your child develop their writing and drawing skills. At first a child will just scribble but they will soon start to try and draw objects around them or copy letters.

Mar 10, 2012

When Teaching Children at Home

Consistency is important, especially for very young children, as it helps to reinforce what they have already learned, as well as avoiding confusion when new teaching methods are introduced. If you start by using music and rhyming songs to teach things like numbers, days of the week and colours, stick to that method when it comes to teaching more advanced knowledge such as multiplication tables.

Teaching is a skill, which is why teachers have to be trained for many years before they are equipped to handle a class full of enquiring minds. Parents may only have one, two or perhaps three young children to deal with, but many of the skills required to impart knowledge to youngsters are the same whether you are teaching just one child or 30.

In order that parents can also be effective teachers, there are three basic rules that all Mums and Dads should follow when it comes to educating children in the home, be consistent; be positive; and have fun. Remember these three key steps and you will soon notice that your child is picking up knowledge and skills from home as well as from school.

Kids will find it much easier to pick up potentially difficult concepts if they are already used to the methods which are being used to teach them; and thanks to the internet there are no shortage of educational resources if you are looking for inspiration ans ideas. After all, many teachers use the same methods year after year, with different classes, so there’s no reason why parents shouldn’t do the same.

Using fun methods like music and games is a great way to keep children engaged and interested in what you are doing – and they may not even realise they are learning at all if you make it lots of fun. Even just spending time with your child, doing something which they enjoy, can be educational too. You can improve their verbal communication skills by talking to them and encouraging them to ask and answer questions, while spending quality time together will also improve your relationship. Many home “lessons” happen because the child has done something that they shouldn’t and the parent has to explain or show the youngster why it was wrong. Lessons which are reinforced by negativity will not be learned as effectively as those which are taught in a positive way; rather than shouting at the child or punishing them, persuade them to think about why what they have done in not acceptable.

As well as creating a better relationship between child and parent, this educational method is much more effective than old-fashioned lectures and punishments.

Feb 27, 2012

Child Education Secure The Future Of Your Child

The Child Education Society, the apex body of Bal Bharati Public Schools and other institutions of higher education, was set up in the year 1944 during the pre-independence era when the elders thought that Indian culture, heritage, tradition and ethos must be preserved and fostered and in order to achieve these objectives, it became obligatory for the Society to educate the young people. Thus, the Society was registered under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860.

Think of child education insurance and the image of a happy child realizing all their aspirations comes to the mind. Children with their big dreams, great ideas, and inherent talent need a secure path which will help them to work towards their aspirations and make them come true. Keeping them financially secure especially for educational purposes are of utmost importance in today's competitive environment. The right child education plan can be an apt solution to secure a child's future in terms of education.

With the rapid pace at which educational costs are increasing, at every level of the child's education one needs to be ready for the expenses that come up. Right from primary education to higher studies, the educational expenses keep rising steadily. To give a child a smooth ride through the best years of their life one needs to start saving through child insurance at the earliest. Child education insurance can not only provide the child with the conventional education per say but will also take care of training them in different extracurricular activities to make them the all rounder they so aspire to be.

Child life insurance can be bought by deciding on a sum to be assured and monthly or yearly premium can be set accordingly. These premiums have to be paid for the policy term. These savings can be started as early as 0 years of the child till 12 years. Child education insurance plans usually mature when the child turns 24-25. One can always opt for withdrawing after first 5 years of the policy. The sum insured is usually paid only to the beneficiary. One can fix additional optional raiders to the child education plan to enable additional fixed amount to be paid to the child every year once the plan matures.

With the help of a financial advisor, one can get an idea of how much they need to save to secure their child's future. This child life insurance has additional tax benefits which will help the beneficiary to claim as per the prevailing tax laws. Child education plan provides savings as well as protection. In case of unfortunate death of the parent, the child receives the sum assured; future premiums might be paid by the company if it is mentioned in the plan till the plan matures. Hence the child's education and developmental needs are well taken care of. Hence starting child insurance at the earliest and being prepared for every big step in a child's life is the best thing one can do to give their child the brightest life they wish to give. 

Jan 25, 2012

Leapfrog Educational Toys,Kids Love Them

Leapfrog is a brand of educational toys that proves the point that educational toys can be fun. Leapfrog manufactures interactive toys for children ranging from babies to kids 8 years and older. Here are some examples.

1. Popular toys for babies include the learn and groove toys. They combine learning, music and fun into one package. The babies can shake rattle and roll as they develop listening skills and music expression as well.
2. A great toy for kids from babies through toddler are the Scout toys. They are great naptime friends who can help the children learn to count, explore first words, or sing gentle lullabies as they become lulled to sleep. Kids love these guys.
3. For the toddlers there are plenty of great books. They can learn to count with the Sesame Street characters, or have fun learning letters from Big Bird.
There are other great books including learning colors from Curious George. Check out the other options.
4. For the preschooler comes the Leapster. It is a handheld device which contains up to 40 games to help your kids learn a variety of new skills.
Your kids think it’s a game but they are learning great stuff all along. This is a great toy to bring along on trips and you’ll find your child taking it with him all over.
There are plenty of Leapster games for your 4 – 7 year old. They can learn many new skills and improve upon others. Kids can learn addition and subtraction, letters, spelling, and many other things.
The products which Leapster produces are extensive and really help your child to learn and develop. Check out their website where you’ll find a great deal of helpful information to assist you in choosing a great new toy to educate and entertain your kids.

Jan 9, 2012

Educational Wooden Toys For Children

With all the high tech gadgetry available in children’s toys it can often be overwhelming for both parents and kids.
Why not consider something which has withstood the test of time and get your children some educational wooden toys? Kids for many generations have loved these toys and for good reason.

1. Despite the prevalence of complex and highly technical toys children do love to play with objects which allow them to use their imagination.
Otherwise why do we keep hearing the stories about a parent who buys their kid a terrific new toy only to find out that the child prefers playing in the box it comes in more so than the toy itself.
2. Educational wooden toys are high quality items which challenge and entertain children. They can be in the form of puzzles.
3. Sometimes they are jigsaw puzzles, or they may be puzzles which teach the child how to unlock a device.
4. A very popular toy for young children are stacking games. This is colored wooden pieces in different shapes and sizes.
It helps the child to locate and stack items in a required order. They learn to identify different shapes and colors and use this information to achieve a goal.
5. A set of wooden blocks are another great toy for kids. It helps them to create a fantasy home and really let their imagination soar.
Kids love to play with these for hours and many generations of children have done the same thing.
6. Wooden letters are a lot of fun. Children can use these letters to form fun words.
They can make games where each child adds a letter to eventually form a word. The longer the word can be, the higher the points. There are many variations to a basic but fun toy.
So these complex and high tech talking and walking toys may not always be necessary. Try some of these educational wooden toys and see how much fun your children will have with them. I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Jan 4, 2012

A Brief History Of Alphabet Blocks

We’ve probably all played with alphabet blocks at one time or another when we were young children. Alphabet blocks were one of the first educational toys specifically designed for children. While children built structures with these blocks, they also learned to recognize letters of the alphabet at the same time. Let’s discuss some of the history involved in the development, introduction and use of these blocks.

The first known alphabet block was introduced in 1693 by John Locke who was an educational philosopher. He announced that dice and playtoys with letters would help to teach children how to read.

The use of these blocks evolved such that they become commonly used in classrooms and preschools throughout the 19th century.

In 1820, alphabet blocks became commercially available for home use through the introduction of a commercially available set of alphabet blocks. The blocks were initially painted. Following these they were embossed with a design and a different paint color was applied to create the letters.

The use of alphabet blocks continued to evolve into a vitally important part of early learning. In 2003, the alphabet block was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.

In order to be included, the toy has to achieve icon status and be recognized and remembered by a very broad spectrum of the population.

Since it was established in 1998, only forty two toys have been inducted into the Hall of Fame which help to establish the importance of this simple yet important toy and learning tool.