Nov 27, 2012

Kids Dance Education Is Also So Important For Them

In the age of standardized testing, arts environments can provide the safe havens where mistakes are treated as discoveries and expression is celebrated. Higher order thinking is a natural part of the performance and students exit the stage smarter and more prepared for whatever life has in store for them. Dancers have an edge.

Kids dance education can teach them to practice what is usually reserved for older students in other academic subjects. Dance gives the freedom and permission for students to question and explore, "What if?"

From a movement strand to composition structure to the study of alignment, the dance class is a constant set of negotiations happening in real time.

The body is constantly engaged in physical experiments dealing with weight, time, and force with variables shifting day by day or even hour by hour. Students have to be present and aware in a way that traditional classes wish they could engage.

The type of learning involved in dance study engages the whole child: physically, emotionally, and intellectually. As a result, it is also an inclusive environment where students with all types of learning styles can have an equal chance for success.

If we compare Bloom's Taxonomy, a theory about learning styles divided into three main categories (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), to general approaches to the creative process, we see that they are virtually the same.

The traditions of dance training innately apply these sophisticated goals. Imagine what could be done with attention to teaching details that allow the students to see behind the curtain and have some input in how and why they produce dance.

Creating dance, particularly when involved in the information gathering and decision-making aspects of dance-making, is a direct example of higher order thinking- the most valuable type of learning. Essentially, students are learning how to learn and how to communicate. This is what kids need in order to be able to address a future world we can only dare to imagine now.

Nov 20, 2012

Kids Can Learn A Lot From Kid's Educational Toys

When children are growing up, they need to be surrounded in an educational environment in order to foster learning. This allows them to be better prepared for when they turn into adults, and it also prepares them for the real world. There are some kid's educational toys that can be found online, which gives parents a chance to enhance their child's learning while have fun at the same time.

One of the best kid's educational toys to purchase today is a wooden tool bench. These benches are great because they give children a chance to role play. Just like their parents when they work, children can feel like they are building unique items with their tools and workbench. Imagination is everything for a child because it fosters their critical thinking skills. Having a wooden tool bench allows children to learn without having to be consumed by technologies such as the television or computer.

Another toy that is great for improving a child's learning capabilities is a wooden drawing board. These boards allow children to use their imagination and create unique drawings. They can also practice their spelling, which prepares them for when they are back in school. Children can even practice math problems on this board if they so choose. Children can play games on these boards that teach them about the value of competition. Games such as tic tack toe or word finding games are great for teaching children about new vocabulary words. These boards are easy to set up and store, which makes them ideal for children who want to keep their rooms clean.

Building blocks are also great for sparking a child's creativity. They can make unique structures, which allow them to use their imagination. Building blocks are also great for building relationships between a child and their friends. The can invite them offer and can help each other build. They can improve their critical thinking skills and increase their social skills as well with building blocks.

When children are out for the summer, they should always be surrounded in an educational environment. This allows them to develop their mind and stay sharp even when they are not in school. This can be done with the use of these educational gifts mentioned above. They will be able to come home and learn new things while having fun at the same time.