Jul 20, 2015

Education will help them cope

All the neighbouring schools declined to admit Kakangula because of his disabilities, his mother Vivian Sekamatte, says. It is the reason he goes to Buddo Parents Academy School – some three kilometers away – which accepted to take him in.

For the young boy, it has not been easy at all, as he needs special attention. For instance, he cannot visit the toilet on his own, so he must be helped.
Before joining his current school, located in the village of Nsaggu in Wakiso district, fellow children used to laugh at Kakangula because of his condition. “It had turned him into a loner and he would play only with his sister. But in his current school, things have changed as both children and teachers love him,” says his mother.

Only a month after his birth, the boy’s parents were plunged into a trying period of time when his health state took a wrong turn. For them, it was a recurrence of what they had years back experienced with their first born who developed cerebral paralysis before eventually dying at the age of two.
Earlier, after the birth of their first child, Sekamatte continued to sell second-hand clothes while having the baby strapped around her back. And when death came knocking at her door, it took her another five years to settle on the idea of conceiving again.

“For five years after his [first born child’s] death, I refused to get pregnant fearing to face the same challenges – not until I got enough counseling,” she says. Clearly, losing her first child had traumatized Sekamate.
And when she eventually did get pregnant again, she made sure to visit the doctor many times to confirm that her unborn baby was well. But seven months into her pregnancy, during one of such medical trips, Dr. Samuel Kaggwa checked her and told her there was a problem.

She was advised to prepare for a caesarean birth because the position of the unborn baby (Kakangula) was not proper.
At birth, the doctors noted that the baby had a number of problems – including one to do with his genitals – which until today have not been corrected yet. Doctors advised the parents to monitor his head as they feared it might start swelling.

And indeed, one month later, little Kakangula’s head began to swell.
“He was treated at Katalemwa and we were lucky the swelling stopped before we took him for an operation at CURE hospital in Mbale,” recalls his father.

The boy missed the crawling phase and only started walking at the age of three.
“Although he cannot speak, he at least understands everything we say while he can read [softly] and write,” says his mother Sekamatte.

Despite his challenges, Kakangula is raring to take on life with as much enthusiasm as any other boy of his age. He has promised his parents that he will strive to become a doctor one day and treat sickly children like him. For now, he enjoys making drawings in his book, of course in the company of his beloved sister. Theirs is a close-knit sibling connection.
“He feels great when we come up to help him with his work. It makes him proud when we praise what he has done at school,” adds his mum.

Kakangula is not the only one who dreams big even in the face of life’s brutality.

Fellow seven-year-old Hadija Mubiru, who almost lost her life due to her mother’s recklessness, aspires to become a teacher when she grows up.
Many children her age speak highly of their mothers but for little Hadija, it’s a whole different case. When I catch up with her at Victory Kindergarten and Day Care Centre at Nalugala in Wakiso district, she bluntly states what caused her disability. For her age, she possesses a sense of maturity that impresses me as much as it does move me.

“My mother Betty Nambajjwe took to drinking alcohol and whenever she became annoyed, she would throw me around like a useless object.”
I can see the sadness in her innocent eyes and sense the pain in her voice. Quite frankly, I am moved when she admits that she has not forgiven her mother. It’s easy to understand why she says so: her mother never bothered to take her for treatment after causing dislocations in her chest.

It is even claimed that Hadija’s abusive mother once poured hot water on her then eight-year-old son Shaban (Hadija’s brother), apparently leading to his death a few hours later. She was then reportedly arrested and detained at Entebbe Police for three days, before being set free without being admitted into a hospital for a mental-health examination – to check her state of mind.
Thanks to little Hadija’s paternal grandmother, she got a new lease at life. Her intervention during that difficult time for Hadija potentially proved the difference between life and a sad ending for the innocent girl.
According to Grandma Hadija Nalongo Mubiru, Hadija’s mother would often leave her husband’s home and be away for several months. She did so six years ago, taking baby Hadija along with her – to God-who-knows-where.

Sadly, she continued throwing her baby down, causing more damage to her body.
“By the time they brought baby Hadija to me, she was a totally disabled two-year-old girl. She could neither sit nor walk. She would only lie in one position, and often messed herself up when the need to ease herself arose,” recalls Nalongo.

The girl’s paternal aunt, Nakato Mubiru, says their home was no longer habitable with the sickly toddler who soiled herself and attracted a lot of flies. On top of that, the sound she made in her sleep due to her strained breathing could be heard by neighbours.

Nalongo grew more and more worried that although Hadija was born with a sound brain, the acute pain she lived with had affected her mental state.

After trying all sorts of treatment, Nalongo ended up at the national referral hospital in Mulago where Hadija underwent an operation at the Spinal Ward.

That surgery provided much-needed respite with Hadija delighttfully shocking her grandma when she sat on her own only two days after the operation. “I was coming from the canteen and suddenly dropped everything and ran to the doctor’s room fearing she was going to die,” remembers Nalongo, who instead found better news awaiting her.

Hadija knows how fortunate she was and she still relishes that turning point of her life: during my interview with her grandmother, the little girl chips in and proudly tells of how she sat unaided after the surgery.

On the fourth day following her operation, Hadija could stand and walk by clutching onto nearby hospital beds. She was discharged after one week.
“The swellings in the chest and back remained but at least her breathing improved greatly and she can sit and walk normally,” smiles Nalongo.

According to Nalongo, little Hadija’s state was so bad and she believes that some parents would have hidden her from the public. “I took into account her rights as a human being and it was the reason I sought treatment and kept her in the public,” she says.

Nalongo believes that if she had not intervened, Hadija would have lost her normal mental state. She calls upon other parents to fight for the rights of their disabled children, adding that showing them love catalyzes their healing process.

Yet, such accounts are many in our society.

Margaret Nalumansi, a market vendor at Kawuku market, near Kisubi along Entebbe road in Wakiso district says difficult times prevented her from keeping her daughter’s rights.

Jul 10, 2015

Lost generation of children

primary school sports day kids in running race

Primary school children take part in a race. 'Ofsted has no interest in competitive sport, thus there is little desire on behalf of headteachers to spend time, energy and resources on something they know they won’t be measured against,' writes Nick Patterson. Photograph: Angela Hampton Picture Library/Alamy
We agree wholeheartedly with Tessa Jowell and share her concerns, especially those relating to children and young people (Coalition wasted Olympic school sport legacy: Jowell, 6 July). Schools are important settings for promoting health and should work with pupils and their parents/carers to address this concern, encouraging children and young people to participate in a range of physical activities and to understand how such activity is beneficial to health and mental wellbeing.
Physical activity must mean not only structured activity in the curriculum through physical education and sport, but also those other physical leisure activities available in school and in the community. Any activity which enables children and young people to be warm and breathless for significant periods of time which they enjoy and overcomes the barriers to participation brought about by disability, gender, religion and culture, should be valued. Compounded by government education policy, schools still focus too much on traditional team games, which include few and exclude so many.
Schools must be given the capacity to nudge children and young people in the right direction. Perhaps we should now have some of the UK heroes of this spectacular event providing high-profile leadership to a multifaceted healthy eating and exercise campaign.
Michael Craig Watson Associate professor of public health, University of Nottingham
John Lloyd Immediate past president, Institute of Health Promotion and Education
• Some expensive centrally driven government “initiatives” achieve very little other than ticking a few boxes and keeping consultants in employment. I can remember many sessions on the national literacy strategy when my eyes would glaze over and my brain slipped into neutral.
To succeed at something you have to develop skills learned through success and failures and this takes time
Glyn Scott
The schools sports partnership actually worked. Primary school PE coordinators met regularly and organised inter-school sports competitions – everything from football to bocchia. Secondary school PE specialists had time to come in to primary schools to take lessons and give advice. They organised brilliant sports days – I remember one at a comprehensive where hundreds of primary children attended and engaged in different sports. It was all run by their 16-year-old sports leaders. They were a credit to the school.
Nearly £9bn was lavished on the 2012 London Olympics; the annual cost of running the 450 schools sports partnerships was £162m. In 2010, Michael Gove said that the Olympics were the best way to increase participation in sport.
• It is somewhat hypocritical of politicians to talk of the lack of involvement in sport. Labour, coalition, and Conservative governments, in their demands for a curriculum that has to have measurable outcomes, have reduced sport and the arts to sidelined subjects. To succeed at something you have to develop skills learned through success and failures and this takes time. Primary schools, where passion and enthusiasm take root, have to spend endless hours on literacy and numeracy just to survive. That precious time to experience, compete and practise sport is not available. It is, however, in private and public schools, where it is still regarded as developing self-esteem, discipline and perseverance. Politicians, one expects, think local clubs will fill this gap, but they in turn provide for those who can pay the subs, and usually the kit, regardless of how children get there. This excludes a whole group of children who cannot afford any of these.
One of the aspects of the 2012 Games was the relatively small number of non-state school medallists, and I see no chance of this improving.
Glyn Scott
Barry, Vale of Glamorgan
Change the Ofstedcriteria and you might change how headteachers see school sport
• It will come as zero surprise to any schoolteacher that the Olympic legacy has foundered. Whether it has anything to do with funding is, however, debatable. Ofsted has no interest in competitive sport, thus there is little desire on behalf of primary and secondary headteachers to spend time, energy and resources on something they know they won’t be measured against. Change the Ofsted criteria and you might change how headteachers see school sport.
Saffron Walden, Essex

• There is, in our small town, what was once a centre of excellence for sports education. It was the venue used for the Italian football team for the European championship. There is a gym, a swimming pool, a sports hall with a specialist sprung wooden floor for dance, and a fitness suite, all paid for by public money. All this is to be demolished by a developer to make way for houses. Ironic that we will have 500 more homes, yet lose high-quality sport and leisure facilities for families and the community. Before the response is made that the country needs homes, we are already scheduled for 1,500 houses to be built. All on green spaces. Where will all these extra children play?