Sep 29, 2011

Education choices for families who travel

Education options for children below the age of 16

In the UK, exams taken before the age of 16 have no long-term impact on your child’s education. In the US education system, the first critical exams aren’t sat until the age of 17 or 18. That means families with younger children have more flexibility in terms of following a particular curriculum and not having to worry about preparation for set exams.

As a result, placing your children in a local school (depending of course on the length of your stay) can be an option, and will provide them with a rich cultural experience of being immersed in the native language and making friends with children from the country being visited.However, this isn’t an option for families who are touring a country, potentially several countries, who are only spending a few days or weeks in one place at a time. In those circumstances, you can take on educational responsibilities yourselves, or recruit a full-time private tutor to manage your children’s education.

Recruiting a multi-lingual travelling tutor

An ideal tutor for travelling families is one who can adapt to your lifestyle, is preferably multi-lingual, able to teach and travel well and keep your children’s’ education relevant to the trip as well as broader educational needs. Finding such a professional requires help from a specialist private tutor company. Ensure that the company carries out thorough background checks, and has a system designed to verify references written in any language, not just English.

Education options for children 16 years old and up

Travelling families with older children are more restricted by the demands of exams and obtaining grades necessary for admittance into a chosen university. Where your family is travelling is arguably even more relevant, as it may be possible for you to find schools that teach the International Baccalaureate; the best curriculum option as it permits seamless transfer between schools.Again, if you are travelling continuously, you may not have the option to place your children in a local school for a long enough period to be beneficial.If you have internet access that is reliable, consider combining a full-time private tutor with an online high school.

 Tutors International has worked with accredited online high schools and had excellent results, with students who have then gone to Brown, Columbia and Notre Dame, to name but a few.Of course, for families who are trekking through the Himalayas or through rainforests, internet access may be less reliable. In those circumstances the best full-time private tutors can still provide superlative education in line with either the UK or US curriculum and preparation for exams required to gain entrance into university.

The educational value of travel

It shouldn’t be overlooked that whilst travelling may make organising conventional education more challenging, its inherent educational value shouldn’t be overlooked. The experience of different cultures, diverse habitats and meeting people with completely different lifestyles can only be given by travel, and will broaden your children’s education immeasurably. Providing a private tutor alongside such an experience is arguably the best education in the world, and will give your children the best foundation for a life time of curiosity and exploration that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Sep 28, 2011

How to be a Qualified Early Childhood Educator

Usually, credits earned from other colleges can be transferred and used in the direction of your diploma system. This is an critical diploma level for possible public college teachers as a 4-year diploma is essential prior to currently being qualified to teach. This diploma is a portion of more balanced program, presenting equally education specifications as well instructing expertise.A Master's diploma system that focuses on early childhood education and learning typically contains far more specialized concentrations like engineering employed in educational institutions or curriculum advancement. These degrees are normally granted as a Master of Training degree (MEd) with an early childhood education focus. Several school programs base their salaries on a teacher's encounter and education and learning, whilst others require lecturers to comprehensive their graduate degree throughout their very first couple of a long time of teaching.

Salaries for early training professionals will differ depending on where they are employed. Preschool lecturers, not including special training teachers, had an common yearly wage of in excess of $24,000 a few years back again. A kindergarten instructor, who has a 4-year diploma, had a median annual revenue of above $50,000 for the very same time period of time.Are you a single of these who appreciate investing time with small children? Or do you always cherished to take up babysitting as a portion time or full-time career? If your answer is "YES", then selecting your profession in early education would be an excellent selection.It is a quite well-liked and essential in present situation. Early childhood is the time to know kids, make them comprehend their personal selves and the early training definitely serves this extremely purpose.

 Early childhood education and learning can be basically termed as "Finding out through play". In present predicament, exactly where parents are incapable to give proper time to their youngsters, "studying via play" concept is proving to be a lot more effective than typical studying. Aside from this, getting reasonably priced and quality child schooling specially for young children under age 8, is a major get worried for many mother and father. Notably in recent years with the rise in people with two operating mothers and fathers, the want for early youngster training has elevated in the final ten years.The early instructing programs offered by the kid's universities are flowering at remarkable tempo. As a outcome most of these kid's educational institutions are now searching for experts with an early childhood instructing degree.

In comparison to other occupation possibilities accessible nowadays, the job prospect in early childhood education is gaining planet-broad acceptance. An individual who are properly trained or have earned an early educating degree can take pleasure in fantastic and tension-cost-free profession. An specific with early childhood diploma can research for wonderful careers as faculty for various youngsters schools. The most significant edge of this career is that, it also provides a nice working surroundings which in turn can make functioning location a next home.A mindful observation shows that these days there are only few educated professionals in early childhood training and so the necessity for effectively qualified early education and learning tutors will improve in coming a long time.

Sep 27, 2011

Do You Know Your Influence On Child

You are your child's first teacher and because of that your child will develop the need for early childhood education.You don't need a college degree to teach early education to your child. Your child loves you and therefore she wants to imitate you. Everything you do becomes a learning process for her. If you dance, she will follow. If you read a book, she will read a book too. If you watch a movie on television she will curl up with you and watch it. Early childhood education knows no time so it is anywhere, doing anything, and at any time.Make the most out of early education by purchasing simple nursery rhyme books or counting books. Use her favorite cereal as a visual aspect of the learning process. Another words, if you say something to your child, she needs to do it in order to learn it. If you want your child to count to five, give her five Cheerios or five container lids.
 Count them to her as you hand them to her. Then ask her to give you one. Next, ask her to give you two, and so on. This will teach her to count and she is both visually and physically counting. This is early childhood education and it doesn't cost anything and it is fun even for parents.Early education can be fun. It doesn't require that you send your child off to a school or it doesn't require that you turn your home into a classroom in order to learn. Childhood education is free. Use free items you already have in the home in order to teach and inspire.In order to enhance the learning process during certain times in her life, you can order additional supplies that will allow her to be creative as she learns. Any type of art work is highly recommended in order to strengthen and reinforce child's education.
 Remember, as a child plays they are learning. If you create a positive outlet for learning, she will always think positive as she grows up. The same goes for the opposite.Early childhood education begins at birth and ends at about the age of eight. During this time, your child will learn socialization skills, critical thinking skills, and other important skills that will influence her life and her life style. How your child grows up is going to influence her learning. If she grows up in a home that puts education down, she may think that it is not going to be necessary and try to choose a path that will later on lead to basic minimum wage jobs with no job security. Early childhood education doesn't mean that you have to map out her future but her future is something to consider, even when you are singing "The Itsy, Bitsy, and Spider".

Sep 26, 2011

Significance Of Early Childhood Education

Recent research have demostrated that early eight years in a different children life are very important time because throughout this phase their brain develops and a lot of 'wiring' is laid down. The education experiences and relationships a child has in addition to nutrition may actually affect child mental growth enormously. While good early childhood education helps serotonin levels to develop in healthy ways, improper education or study without play on other hand may affect brain increase in different manner.
To ensure the experiences as well as the learning of any child in early years support them into their entire life.Recent reports of early childhood education have even shown some remarkable success. It resulting effects on child motivation and learning power go on for quite a while. Today where education has grown to be crucial role to try out inside a society, it isn't straight to postpone purchasing children education until they become adults, nor wait till they reach school age. In reality early childhood is a phase of life regarding a child's intellectual, emotional and social development. Besides this, the main specify know would be that the growth of mental abilities is in a fantastic rate and high proportion of learning occurs make your best effort.It is vital for every single parent to learn than a child spends first eight years in realization of his very own identity.
These are generally very crucial years when children acquire a sense of self and discover how to associate themselves with the people around them. They develop an understanding and behavior to a certain degree. Because of this experts recommend that early childhood education over these years needs to be far more focused on teaching children in regards to the world around them through play and establish site. Moreover, many child development experts also agree that play is vital while in the learning and emotional growth of children. A play could be multi-facet and quite often helps in educating different skills in kids.
 In addition, education through play also helps them learn social skills, and develop values and ethics.Certainly, today it certainly won't be wrong to mention that early childhood education is the key element which enables you in building a god foundation for child's educational success. Every child learns habit and form patterns which aren't easily changed later in life. If parents and educators can develop productive early education patterns for the children of their charge, those children will be on their way to achieving great educational success. The possible lack of parental interaction during early childhood can negatively impact a child's development. Ultimately it is the equal responsibility on the parents and tutors to reassure the family have a very good early childhood education which will further help them to develop their personalities.

Sep 25, 2011

Early Childhood Education Guide For Parent's

We no longer see early childhood schools as the luxury our parents once did. For many parents it has become a necessity. As our society has become ever-more complex and our lives more fragmented, our needs and expectations for school have grown accordingly. We expect our schools to give our children the kind of education that will enable them to get into the top colleges and universities. We also expect our schools to take on new roles that have traditionally belonged to us as mothers and fathers but that we many no longer have either the time or the energy to handle it. We rely on schools to teach our children not only all the things schools have traditionally taught children but also to teach them everything from good table manners to sound moral values. As a result of these changes many schools are seriously considering taking on early childhood education.
Early childhood education is the type of education given to children in their earlier years so that they may acquire skills that they will need so survive and ultimately to thrive in our world. It is showing our children in our day-to-day lives that we love and respect them and also helping them learn and respect themselves. Early childhood education teaches our children to be a part of our society, to value learning, to have high standards, to get along with others, to be responsible, to share, to be a good sport, to make friends, to work and to play alone with others. Early childhood education is the way we, and our parents and grandparents before us, have started our children off on the road to self-knowledge, self discipline, self-esteem, competency, and independence.
Good early childhood programs or schools are based on the development of the whole child. They provide a safe, nurturing environment that fosters emotional, social, and cognitive development of children. Good schools and programs recognize that play is fundamental to the intellectual development of young children. Early childhood education enables young children to develop a positive attitude. Countless teachers have stated that they have found that when children in the classrooms lack a positive sense of self or when they can't get along with others, they are seldom able to learn at an optimal level regardless of how many sight words they can identify or facts that they can memorize. If children are always worrying about whether or not they are really okay or about what their peers think of them, their ability to learn will be affected no matter how intelligent they are.
Good early childhood schools and programs help children develop self-esteem by giving children opportunities to learn about themselves and their world. They provide experiences that will challenge but not frustrate or overwhelm the child-experiences that will help the child develop a sense of competency that will let the child feel successful. Good early childhood schools and programs help children learn to play together and share their toys. It is here that children begin to learn that different behaviors can be appropriate at different times and places. Children develop a willingness to listen and to pay attention, to focus in on a task and to complete it, to develop expectations and to set and achieve goals. Children learn many things in good early childhood schools and programs, but the most important they learn is how to get along with others and hot to function effectively in a group.
There are many good early childhood schools, but no one early childhood school is right for every child. Unless you happen to live in a fairly large city, you probably will not have the option of choosing from the many types of early childhood schools. There may well be only one or two schools in your neighborhood. When you do not have a lot of choice, the quality of the school is more important than it expressed philosophy. If there are not schools near you that seem to meet the criteria for good early childhood schools, you may want to consider keeping your child at home or looking into some of the alternatives to early childhood schools.

Sep 23, 2011

Books Reading Is Important in Early Learning

Beginning in the late 1970s and continuing through the early 1980s researchers began to investigate the influence of the early years on a child's overall development of learning skills. These studies challenged the belief held at that time that academic learning capabilities developed only at school age. Indeed, it was demonstrated that children who went through pre-school learning programmes consistently demonstrated improvements in academic achievement in their later formal education.
The recognition of 'early learning'
These early studies sparked widespread interest in pre-school education and raised the question: " If children can enhance their learning abilities at an early age, what is the best way to nurture these competences and skills?" Research indicates that children who engage in purposeful play and structured activities acquire a range of skills and abilities that provide a strong foundation for later learning and development.A well designed early learning programme can, for example, nurture social and emotional development by helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, a respect for others, and a positive desire to learn.
Story telling and reading activities can help develop language and literacy skills by supporting proficiency in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write. And problem solving activities can help children develop their confidence and aptitude in reasoning and numeracy skills. With a strong grounding in these areas, children demonstrate a real aptitude for learning when they begin formal education and go on to long term achievement in their later childhood and adulthood.
Acquiring skills in the early years
Language and communication skills are vital for a child's emotional and personal development as they develop a sense of self and their relationship to others. Exposure to stories helps to enrich their imaginations and provides them with knowledge of a range of experiences that a they will be able to draw on to give them confidence in their daily encounters with the world.Literacy skills provide a child with the building blocks necessary for reading and writing and learning more generally. Through exposure to books and stories, babies and toddlers acquire the vital preliminary tools for learning to read and write.
Firstly, they equip themselves with a sizeable spoken vocabulary which helps them to listen, understand and remember what they hear.
Secondly, children at a very young age start to become aware of the existence of books. Toddlers and even small babies will turn the pages of storybooks, and look at the pictures in them. Soon afterwards, parents can begin to read to their children so pre-schoolers become aware of books and begin to enjoy stories.
Thirdly, children become aware of what a book is and how to handle it, i.e. that print looks different to pictures, that we read from top to bottom of a page and from left to right, and spoken vocabulary is linked to print.
Finally, children develop specific skills for learning to read: what alphabet letters look like and sound like, and that when put together in a certain way, they make up words.

Sep 22, 2011

Early Childhood Education Is Essential Foundation

Early childhood educationmay be defined for the purposes of this article as the education provided for children before they enter a formal system of compulsory education. In most cases parents who provide formal childhood education have little professional training in how to conduct early childhood education.One of the most important aspects in the lives of most people is the creation of a family with its attendant challenges of early childhood education. Ironically, few school curricula have anything about this. There is much ado about sex education and education for work, but little about how to be a parent.

By the age of two or three most children have learned to speak effectively. This is the greatest intellectual feat that they will accomplish in their lives and is an outcome of early childhood education. It involves the ability to apply complicated grammatical rules to every utterance. Although the mother tongue may be learnt without any apparent effort, it is in reality a consequence of early childhood education.Parents who talk gently and sympathetically to their offspring are engaging in early childhood education. Human beings have what Chomsky called a language acquisition device which is the capability to learn human language.

The learning process is greatly enhanced by the attitude of parents to their children in the context of early childhood education.Readiness is an important concept in education. No-one can learn unless he or she is ready to learn and that readiness occurs at various stages of development. If the means to learn something are absent when a child is ready that thing may never be learned subsequently. This has been confirmed many times in the cases of feral children who have been denied the opportunity to learn their language in babyhood. Their lives are blighted forever.In between feral children and child prodigies there are many gradations of treatment meted out to children.

 Work done by Bernstein many years ago illustrated how mothers determined the success or failure of their children when it came to secondary education. Those who took the trouble to reason gently with toddlers and answered all questions diligently produce successful secondary school pupils. Those who ignored their toddlers or told them to keep quiet, tended to produce scholastic failures.The world opens like a wondrous place for young children. Mothers and fathers have the wonderful opportunity to relive their own excitement and joy through the eyes of their beloved offspring. By providing emotional stability and language for their children they give them the gift of normal life.

Sep 21, 2011

Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education

When your kids are looking for a good university that offers University degree in early childhood education, you should consider University of Southern Queensland, USQ. Even though considered novice, University of Southern Queensland is a leader in online education delivery.USQ has demonstrated crucial role in research. They achieved the inauguration of a university in the year 1992. They have their main campus in Toowoomba and regional campuses. They have more than 7500 international students. About 5000 of these students studied from their own home countries. USQ had been awarded many award to date.The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education degree was offered at the main campus. 

The degree timeframe of the degree is 4 years if taken full-time and can be completed in a maximum of 9 years if pursued part-time.Graduates from the degree may pursue in a career in working with young children in child care centers, kindergarten and pre-school. They will develop the expertise to design and deliver effective teaching programs. Graduates of the degree may also apply for a teacher's license in Queensland.The followings are the goals of the Early Childhood Bachelor Degree: develop an awareness of the ecology of childhood, whole-child philosophies and child-centred practices that impact on early childhood education; promote acceptance of diversity amongst individual children within their family and community contexts; develop knowledge and beliefs about the integrated nature of creativity and problem-centred learning in early childhood education; and develop critical reflection on emerging trends that impact on early childhood education and the rights of children and families to access quality education.

Interested students who are applying for the Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education should have good command of English. They should also have completed Year 12 or equivalent educational qualification.Students have to complete 32 units at the undergraduate levels to finish the program. Students who have satisfied a similar course at Diploma level may get some waiver. The courses offered in the Bachelor of Early Childhood education degree program are arranged in 28 core courses, four elective courses and eight professional courses. You may also take up minor studies such as Special Education, Primary Education, etc.There is also a requirement for students to complete a minimum of 110 days of practical experience. Students who applied to study via distance learning or online, must have adequate access to computer and internet equipments.Not all students who pursue the Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education are interested to pursue for a career in early childhood education. Most of them are actually mothers who like to develop the skills to provide better home education for their children.

Sep 20, 2011

Importance of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood generally encompasses the first eight years in the life of an individual. The education given during these years of a child's life plays a very important role and helps in proper development of children. Early childhood education can be fundamentally termed as "Learning through play". Recent research have shown that early eight years in any children life are crucial time because during this phase their brain develops and much of its 'wiring' is laid down. The education experiences and relationships a child has along with nutrition can actually affect child mental growth enormously. While good early childhood education helps the brain to develop in healthy ways, improper education or study without play on other hand may affect brain development in different manner.

So the experiences and the learning of a child in early years can support them in their entire life.Recent studies of early childhood education have even shown some remarkable success. It resulting effects on child motivation and learning power last for a long time. Today where education has become very important role to play in a society, it is not right to postpone investing in children education until they become adults, nor wait till they reach school age. In fact early childhood is a vital phase of life in terms of a child's intellectual, emotional and social development. Besides this, the most important point to know is that the growth of mental abilities is at an astounding rate and high proportion of learning takes place during this period.It is very important for every parent to understand that a child spends first eight years in realization of his or her own identity.

 These are very crucial years when children gain a sense of self and learn to associate themselves with the people around them. They develop an understanding and behavior to a certain extent. For this reason it is suggested that early childhood education during these years should be more focused on teaching children about the world around them through play and establish the links. Moreover, many child development experts also agree that play is very important in the learning and emotional development of children. A play can be multi-facet and often helps in educating different skills in children. In addition to this, education through play also helps them learn social skills, and develop values and ethics.

Certainly, today it won't be wrong to say that early childhood education is the key element that helps in building a god foundation for child's educational success. Every child learns habit and form patterns that are not easily changed in later years. If parents and educators can develop productive early education patterns for the children in their charge, those children will be on their way to achieving great educational success. The lack of parental interaction during early childhood can negatively impact a child's development. Ultimately it is the equal responsibility of the parents and tutors to assure the children have a good early childhood education that can further help them develop their personalities.

Tell Children About Fire Safety

If you use a fireplace or woodstove inside your home, it is extremely important to practice attentive safety precautions to avoid dangerous accidents that can cause injury and damage to your home. This is even more true if you have kids living in, or visiting your home. Having an open flame of any type basically means you will need to be more conscientious in making sure all safety precautions are followed and never allow those areas where that open flame is to go without supervision.You must teach children about the dangers of fires in the home. Explain to them that fires are helpful for heating the home in a more environmentally friendly and efficient way and that?s why you use them. Also, explain to them the need to be extremely careful around any open flame in the home.

Teach your kids proper safety techniques by following them and using them yourself. Always use protective tools when tending to an open flame, and use a fireplace cage and other protective steps ? particularly when kids are present. Teach your children that they shouldn?t play with burning logs or anything hot, and that if they see a spark or see anything outside the wood stove burning, to tell an adult promptly. The most important thing to remember is that you should never leave a child unattended by a burning fireplace or wood stove.With that said, you should also instruct your children in the dangers of playing with and using lighters and matches. Often we assume our kids just know these things are dangerous and forget they are curious creatures and like to explore and find out things on their own. Most homes have lighters, matches and sometimes torches just lying around within reach. Since children see us casually using these items and sometimes think they should be able to use them as well it is beneficial to make sure these are kept in places beyond the reach of childrenOnce a kid is old enough to reach the matches and lighters they are normally old enough to use them responsibly.

It is then parents should instruct their kids in how to use them. Being instructed in how to start a fire or correctly light the bar-b-que is a great way to teach safety when it comes to fire.By practicing safe techniques in and around your home, you will protect your family and your belongings from unnecessary damage. Outside of this, you will teach your kids to use safe practices inside your home, and when they are not with you. It?s of the utmost importance to teach kids how to act safely around any fire.

Sep 18, 2011

Educating children in a unique way

Revolution’s Kids Martial Arts Benton makes children strong from the inside. It tones up their body and builds their muscles. Practicing such arts means using the full power of their body and mind. Children have to be careful and alert.Childhood is the age when people learn things easily and also remember it forever.It is the time when kids learn to live in discipline and practice recognizing a friend and a foe. This is the time when children develop self confidence and start facing challenges. If a child develops a phobia then there are chances that he will live with phobia throughout his or her life. 

Revolution’s Kids Martial Arts Benton helps children live healthy, think positive and behave decently. These kinds of arts teach them to fight and overcome negative influences and people that are present in the civil society and in their bodies.If you think that Revolution’s Kids Martial Arts Benton is only about fighting then it might be wise to revisit your thought.While it is a fighting art, in modern times it is not only focused on fighting but also focused on sport and building self-confidence, discipline and determination in the children. While in the martial arts center, children learn to do various exercises and make exercising their habit. The training of this sort of combat sport prepares them for any possible circumstance,whether bad or good. They learn to smile in distress and find ways to wade through troubled waters. Martial Arts training prepares them for any battle ahead.Revolution’s Kids Martial Arts Benton makes children strong from inside. It tones up their body and develops their muscles. Practicing Martial Arts means using full power of their body and mind. Children have to be careful and alert. You have to be ready to run at once and stop immediately. It is Martial Arts that teach them to be cautious when talking or dealing with strangers. 

The center is where this kind of combat sport is taught like a school for children where they learn those lessons that help them emerge victorious in any circumstances.Children are the future of the nation and it is the duty of the parents to teach them social etiquettes like helping the poor and less fortunate. At Revolution’s Kids Martial Arts Benton center;kids come to know what their social responsibilities are and what characteristics they should develop to fulfill those responsibilities. They practice controlling their emotions, anger and happiness through exercises involved in this kind of combat sport. Simply put it is a fantastic art that is very much useful in today’s modern times. Though very much different from traditional education methods, this kind of combat sport plays a crucial role in shaping the body and mind of children.

Sep 15, 2011

Why does children have rebellious mentality

In the children's psychological development, there will be some time suddenly appear brash, disobedient situation, unwilling to let others interfere in their business. This phenomenon often occurs in pre-school children, mostly normal. But there are some children there is the more obvious rebellious, affecting the physical and mental health and relationship with those around them.
Form of reverse psychology is not new, the reasons for its formation include:
1, the parents and children often lack the feelings of communication, lack of respect for the child, the child will be treated with no respect for parents. Its manifestations are rude and silent two.
2, adults over children to accommodate. Children that mistakes will not be criticized, this error message so that the child is unknown right and wrong, if parents want to discipline, the child is very meet, there will be rebellious.
3, paternalistic. Arbitrary type of education makes children feel comfortable, depression, and thus the resistance to answer to parents.
4, the children of the family and parents are not satisfied that the family lacks equality, democracy and respect. In particular, the feelings of parents and makes no psychological disorder in children often have to rebellious behavior to express their dissatisfaction. There are no role models because their parents often feel no spiritual support and distress, will take a rebellious mood as the vent.
5, the lack of satisfaction. For various reasons parents and children can not always together, even though the material very rich, but children are very hungry, but emotionally a long time, in the absence of double-dear to the case will be rebellious and silence to express their dissatisfaction .

Sep 7, 2011

why do children learning Power dissipated

Good study habits start from interest
In the above study habits Analysis, found that children's interests is a very important factor. According to the reporter learned that a sample survey, the majority of students in the classroom there are "children of God go" phenomenon, and in homework time, and are often doing while playing or doing their homework while listening to music. This can not concentrate, concentrate on the study habits if you want to be corrected, we must first note of interest guidance. For example, through a number of games, stories in the form of learned points interspersed to go inside, which of course requires patience and careful parents. However, parents can also choose a number of professional educational institutions for children through classroom-type to attract children's curiosity and desire for knowledge. And in the choice of institutions, should try to guide teachers as a learning organization, this approach can encourage children to explore self-knowledge, to stimulate children's enthusiasm for learning, if only to let the children go back blindly single mind, remember the syntax of this form, must then make the child turn his attention to look more attractive things to do.

  Interest in guiding the child to learn aspects of U.S. education have considerable experience. For example, Reith U.S. primary education with the American HMHG interactive multimedia courseware publishing group, on a combination of U.S. educational programs, child psychology research, and many other senior expert research, designed to allow children to learn in a fun, learning found in fun.
The three most common bad habits
Lack of concentration. In fact, although the surface appears to be a big problem in the classroom, in fact, the impact of parents at home can not be ignored. Some parents care for the child, the child's homework, it tends to "break" them, entered the house to send some fruit, or delivery of water and other acts, or to urge the children to complete something and then you can quickly do something else, These results are in fact the idea of ​​the child often interrupt, to the classroom after the habit and can not concentrate.
Second, no patience, fear of failure. Sally said that if the child has such a situation, parents need to think about themselves, not to mention as long as the requirements of each child will immediately agree? Appeared among the children or parents will be immediately to mediate a dispute? In fact, when the child is doing can impact on the patient, parents need their children's needs some "delay of gratification", this process can let the children learn to wait and be patient, to know that all things are hard won. Moreover, some small difficulties in life does not make children feel frustrated, but let him understand, would have been friction between people, but the solution to the problem is their true and patience.
Third, the timid, poor ability to adapt. If the child is not well integrated into an environment, then the catalyst will not accept the knowledge of the sensitive. The reason why many children entered primary school did not make good listening, because he used to take care of the parents, once they left it insecure, let alone learn. How to correct this bad habit? Is to guide children to accept defeat, accept the challenge of the sense of balance. Sally, for example, such as young children took the stage, he may feel very scared, but if, as we slowly teach him, with the presentation demonstrate the "five steps to go" approach so that children bravely to the stage, speak fluent English, then the sense of achievement is self-evident, and this pride will be extended to life in other corners. Not only for small children so Reith, Reith's high school teaching in the program as well. For example, the second grade in contact with a large number of difficult long article. Sally explains: "As long as the teacher to guide appropriate way, children can grasp the essence of the article, it can read the full text. And, for reading a long article, Reith used to children, those encountered in the reading exam questions naturally is not difficult. "
Parents are the people most affected children, the child's habits, character education is closely related with daily. If the parents too much attention to scores, quality of character, the integrity of the child must be smaller than those in the hard process of proven child. Therefore, loss of motivation in children, while parents should not focus on children remedial measures, should reflect on their own educational ideas, or blindly condemn the child, the child will only make fun of learning in further and further away.

Sep 6, 2011

Child Education Tips for All Parents

Here are a few simple tips which I think would be beneficial to almost all parents.

  When your child gets to the stage where you think they will benefit from formal teaching (which by the way, can be a very early age indeed), you have to make certain decisions.
Do you send your child to an early childhood education company? Or can you teach your child yourself with various home schooling books and courses?
Well if you want to send your child to a company or organisation, I recommend you read about the potential problems and ways to get around them by visiting an early childhood education information web page. There are many on the Internet but I do like the one which I just linked to. I found it refreshingly unbiased.
For those parents wanting to teach their child at home, there are also many great information websites and books which are available. But I also do advice you check with your local laws regarding home schooling. Some countries have very strange laws regarding this subject.

Sep 5, 2011

Becoming an Effective Educator

As the Director of a childcare center for the past four years, I have seen a lot of teachers come and go. This is not to say that most people do not like early childhood education, however not everyone who enters this field has valid expectations. Most applicants think that “babysitting” children is an easy way to earn money without understanding the education role. They have no idea how much the role of teaching small children encompasses. The very first thing most people say when asked if they have experience in the field of early childhood education is, “I have children, I used to babysit, or I love babies”. They have this assumption that a childcare center’s day to day operation is similar to being a mom or babysitting. Things such as lesson plans, curriculums, building social and emotional skills, and parent involvement are foreign to most people entering early childhood education. Most applicants do not understand how important the role of an early childhood educator is to a child. We as early childhood educators set the foundation for young children’s education that follows them to grade school all the way through grad school. The field of Early Childhood Education needs more teachers who are effective and enjoy the rewards that far outweigh any monetary value.

  The following are a few helpful steps to Becoming an Effective Early Childhood Educator:
1.Research the field of early childhood education before applying to a childcare center. Things you need to know include:
a. Educational Requirements needed to become employed.
b. Average salary of an early childhood educator.
c. Background history, physical, and health requirements required to work with children.
d. What does this occupation entail? (Shadowing an experienced early childhood education provider and volunteering is highly recommended).
2. Once you have secured a job in Early Childhood Education, education is key. The first step would be to complete the mandatory 40 hour course and literacy certificate, this is often available online with testing sites available or live classes. Most states have childcare apprenticeship programs or free scholarship opportunities that provide a CDA as well as Associate degrees in Early Childhood Education once you have fulfilled the basic 40 hour certification. The state of Florida requires at least 10 hours of additional education yearly, this keeps everyone up to date on new advancements in ECE.
3. Find a mentor. There are always educators who excel in what they do, so place yourself around these individuals who have experience and success as educators. Most educators love mentoring new educators. Remember to maintain a positive receptive attitude and ask questions.
4. Be prepared. Lesson plans are an essential tool to ensure that all domains of learning are included throughout the day. If you are unfamiliar with lessons plans, there are classes available. A lesson plan should be outlined in a way that if you are out sick, another teacher can fill in for you and have a good idea of what will take place throughout the day just by glancing at the lesson plan.
5. Involve parents. Parents love when they are asked to be involved with their children’s learning. Make sure parents have a copy of the lesson plan. Encourage parents to read to their children daily and educate them on how reading increases vocabulary, math, and social skills. Often times parents are eager to bring in things that will help with the curriculum, such as a stethoscope for an “occupation” theme or family photos for “cultural” themes. Discussing the child’s day to day activities with parents makes everyone feel comfortable and increases the child’s self esteem.
6. Have Fun. Remember that learning should be fun. Children learn through play, plan activities that allow children to move around and get involved. Children learn by interacting and getting their hands dirty. What better way to learn about plants than planting a seed and watching it grow. The days of sitting in a chair and coloring dittos are gone.
7. Continuously set goals. Always get with the Director and set goals for improvement. There are always new things to learn or skills to be mastered. If you have mastered one age group and would like to move on to another age group, setup a transition with the Director. Maybe you are the assistant teacher; discuss the requirements of becoming a Lead Teacher and work toward this goal.
I hope that you will find these tools beneficial to getting into the field of Early Childhood Education and flourishing. I am sure that once you put forth the effort, there will be endless possibilities for your career. Remember how important and lasting your effect will be on each child you serve and always give your all.

Sep 2, 2011

Tips for Easing a Child into Early Childhood Education

In just a few short days my oldest daughter will be starting her second year of Preschool, also known as Early Childhood Education. Living in a school district with a very rigorous academic schedule, I understand how important it is for her to get the earliest start possible to prepare her for the years of education ahead.

  As a stay at home mom, I worried, probably a little too much, about letting my “baby” out of the nest so to speak. Having spent the first three years of her life solely in my care, the idea of her being thrust into a world of little people, schedules and new adults managing her care, scared me quite a bit.
However, with a little bit of research and taking the extra time to prepare, I found three simple tips for easing children (and parents) into Early Childhood Education.
Education Starts at Home- You’ve taught your child how to eat with a fork, drink from a cup and use the potty making you the first teacher your child has ever had. You can also begin teaching your child to prepare for school with simple number games, reading bedtime stories, identifying objects in the grocery store. Every little bit of teaching makes your child that much more prepared for school outside of the home.
Meet the Teacher- If your son/daughter is nervous about the first day of school, ease those fears by introducing your child to his/her teacher a few times before the first day of school. This process could start with a short phone conversation, a walk through of the classroom or even a lunch invitation at your home.
Make it Special- Nothing gets a child more excited about the new school year than shopping for back to school gear. Set aside a special day to take your child shopping for their first backpack, clothes and basic school supplies.
With those simple tips, your child will be excited and ready for their first year of Early Childhood Education. The process may even help ease your own worries about letting your child spread their wings for the first time.
I’m curious to know: What advice do you have for moms prepping for preschool? KinderCarewill choose one lucky participant who comments and make donation in their name to the Reach Out And Readchapter of their choice!