Teach them respect! If you feel that you have not been successful in being able to teach your child respect, read this article for some helpful tips. The basis is that our own behavior is respectful to both our own children and the people we deal with. After all, the research shows that about 95% of child behavior is actually imitated from what they observe whereas about 5% is actually learnt.How many times have we heard parents complaining that their children show them no respect at all.? 'They just do not respect me' is a cry we often hear from frustrated and angry parents. What they are really saying is that their kids and teenagers are not really taking their ideas, values and feeling into consideration at all. The teenager's wishes are being pushed to the forefront. In other words, the teen is intent on getting his own way and that nobody else's feelings matter.But the reverse is often true when some teenagers feel that their parents do not respect them. They are feeling that they have been neglected and that their emotional needs have not been satisfactorily filled and that this basically amounts to a lack of respect. This sometimes lingers into adult life when they will make a big scene about something because they are still suffering from the lack of respect that they are still feeling, even though this occurred many years ago.How do you teach your child respect?
The first way is to show the child that we respect them and listen to what they say. We may even want to get down to their eye level to actually demonstrate that we are really doing this. We can also be models for respectful behavior ourselves so the simplest rules of saying 'thank you' and 'please' are standard both inside and outside the home. We do not even need to remind them if we use these formulae ourselves when dealing with others.Another way is to avoid over any excessive reaction when our kids call us names because they do not get what they want. We can quietly tell them that this does not work and that if they want something, they just ask for it politely. If a parent overreacts in this situation and punishes the child in some way, it is unlikely to teach the child respect!
Teaching respect will last forever if we do it right because our kids will grow up respecting others. That will extend to more tolerance for people who just happen to be different. That can extend to different races, sexes, sexual orientation, age, and a whole lot of other issues. Have you set the guidelines down? Have you laid the foundations?If you need advice on raising well balanced kids who can become happy well adjusted adults, you could look at the child behavior program below. This addresses a lot of the issues from how to teach a child respect to dealing with other behavior issues such as aggression and violence. Why not check this one out?Let a consultant child psychiatrist with over twenty years experience teach you how to have more fun and less stress when dealing with child respect issues. Robert Locke has written extensively on parenting for many years.
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